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Myungho's POV:

It was Monday morning and I mentally prepared myself to walk onto MNH's massive campus full of students who'd be staring and gossiping for different reasons. Myungho nearly drowns and spends the weekend at the new girl's house.

Or that's probably how Sunhyun would spin it once word got out. The gossip queen in the year below me really did know how to spread overexaggerated information at the speed of light.  Y/N might not have exactly seemed obsessed with the whole social scene, but as if she'd keep this to herself. I shouldn't have been surprised that Chae-soo brought her into the group. She was new, foreign, sort of maybe pretty, and her mother apparently had a connection to the modelling industry. And she was dating Haemin.

Status had always been important to my girlfriend.

But what surprised me still, were Y/N's parents. Especially her dad. Why would the man go out of his way to help me like that? And why had they bothered to insist I stay? And then there was the fact that Y/N's dad even drove me back to my place earlier this morning. That was weird. I looked at the card the doctor had given me with his contact details. He'd handed it to me and said to call him immediately if I developed any headaches or dizziness.

I felt fine, or the same as normal. I passed a bin and almost chucked the card. But I stopped myself and shoved it in my bag. I wasn't sure why. I wasn't worried about the car too much. My dad wouldn't care or notice. As long as I didn't do anything to publically embarrass the family name. So I just drove the Mustang to school instead. I called someone to tow the car though.

"Hey Myungho," greeted Kwangsu, one of my teammates. He came over to walk with me, followed by several others.

"You ready to show HYBE why their team will always be second best on Friday?" asked Jungnam.

"Dude, Changhoon's gunna be so pissed when Myungho knocks every one of his balls out of the park," hyped up another of my teammates.

I went along with it, trying not to wince at how smiling affected the cut under my lip. The bruise on my jaw had almost entirely faded, and the stitches behind my ear were hidden by my hair, but the cut from my dad's ring had yet to completely disappear. But I knew enough of the basics when it came to concealer. I'd watched Chae-soo do her makeup enough in my room.

This morning just kept getting weirder when none of the guys mentioned what happened on the weekend. Maybe it hadn't reached them yet? When it did reach the staff, however, I'd no doubt get called to the principal's office...and then that would only make it a matter of time before my dad found out.

"...oh, and Y/N's coming over this afternoon," came Ahyeon's voice. She was my teammate Yeonseok's younger sister. She was sweet, and was friends with Seungie, but it was the mention of Y/N that got my attention. "...Bye Oppa."

"Do you want me to drive you back home today?" asked Yeonseok, coming over to the group.

"Yes please." And Ahyeon left, but not before bowing a little at me and saying a shy "hello".

"How does Ahyeon know Y/N?" I asked.

"She offered to tutor Ahyeon in Romanian. Isn't that great? She's been wanting to learn for ages. And our parents offered to pay her more, but Y/N kept insisting it was too much."

"She sounds great," I said, trying not to sound sarcastic. I hadn't known, but I had heard about Y/N saving Seungheon from drowning. She seemed to be good at that, but couldn't it have been someone less frustrating? And someone who had...less on me.

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