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Mina's POV:

I'd driven my too-nice and dumb sister to school today as her fake boyfriend had basketball training early. I honestly had nothing against Haemin; he seemed really sweet. But that was sort of the problem. He was too sweet to Y/N, and she didn't notice that he clearly liked her, and not just in a it's an act sort of way. I knew that she wasn't leading him on, but neither did I blame Haemin for starting to have feelings for her after spending so much time together. 

If Y/N wasn't seeing it, I really needed to get it into her oblivious head. How could someone be so smart and stupid simultaneously? The five-year difference between me and Y/N wasn't that much, but maybe it was the time I'd spent away at the ballet academy, because I swear sometimes I felt more like her street-wise aunt that needed to smack reality into Y/N's head.

I crossed the tree-shaded street, going past my car to a bubble tea place I saw on the way. Apart from the academy, I had a job, but it was online and the hours were flexible so I wanted to take in the pretty scenery whilst I was still in Seoul.

Speaking of that scenery, I watched on when a cute guy exited the shop, trying to balance carrying an easel stand, textbooks and a milk tea. The pastel cashmere sweater and trousers gave professor, but the fluffy light auburn hair and face made him look too young. But one thing was for sure, he was about to drop everything, so I rushed over and grabbed the easel.

"Thank you," he said with a self-conscious smile. "I guess I over-estimated my balancing act skillset." 

He offered to take the easel back but I insisted it was fine and that he lead the way. I may have been petite, but as a ballet dancer, I was stronger than I looked. "I take it you're an artist?"

I fought back a giggle when I saw him considering if he could walk and sip at the tea on his books at the same time. "Uh, sort of. I mean, I teach a class," he admitted.

"And you read books about Jean-Léon Gérôme," I said, glancing at the pile he carried.

His eyes lit up. "You know him? Your pronunciation was perfect."

I smiled. I was a dancer by trade but who didn't know the famous painter and sculptor? "I've lived in Paris for a few years. And yeah, I love his work. You ever been?"

"I'd love to. A friend actually submitted my name for a teaching position at ÉnsAD. I've been accepted, but I'd be a massive change, so I don't know."

"You'd decline Paris? And one of the most prestigious art universities in the world?"

He shrugged bashfully, and changed subjects, "But you live in Paris? That must be amazing. What do you do there?"

"I'm a dancer. Ballet." We crossed a laneway and got to his car. "I'm Mina, by the way."

He nearly choked on his tea when I caught him staring, and there was no way I was going to leave without asking for his number. This guy was seriously too cute.

"Uh, hi. I'm Taeyong."


Yeona's POV:

Chae-soo and I grew up friends. Seeing as our parents were in similar business circles, it wasn't a far stretch. We weren't close anymore, but there was no reason not to be civil, and so when I told my parents to throw me an early birthday party at our holiday villa, why wouldn't they? And why wouldn't I offer invitations to everyone I knew who was rich enough not to be an embarrassment? It was honestly unseemly seeing someone walk around in thrifted items. Like, did they have no shame?

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