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Y/N's POV:

The bell had gone before that horrible little spiral could continue. I hadn't wanted to try and explain things in front of the student paparazzi anyway. But I wasn't having much luck during the next few periods either. Myungho wasn't at school today due to baseball training, and must've had his phone turned off.

It turned out that Chae-soo had figured out that I was the girl in the photo with Myungho at the convenience store, and even though there was nothing wrong with that, the fact that it had been piled on top of that stupid, circulating video, it probably looked sus. Haemin was sick and wasn't here today either, and I hadn't wanted to drag Kyungmin and Bo-Bae into anything, so even though they were texting to ask if I was okay, I didn't go up to them. Neither did I want to leave and risk looking like I was giving in to guilt, but I couldn't deal with this gossip and judgement based on lies, so I pretended to be sick and left. 

I didn't tell my parents what had happened, and instead continued feigning being sick for the next couple of days. Myungho, Haemin, Bo-Bae, Kyungmin, and even Seungheon, Ahyeon, Yoonsung and Yungyu tried calling, but I just wanted to hide and pretend the outside world didn't exist right now. It felt like I was in a pressure cooker.

It had been almost a year since the Gabi incident, and I thought moving a whole-ass continent away would've been enough. Clearly, it wasn't.

It was the middle of the day on my second sick day, and I sat in my room, flicking through channels on my wall-mounted small TV. Something about a gang member having been suspected of stealing crucial evidence was circulating the news, but even that white noise wasn't enough to numb my brain. Or maybe it was, because it took me way too long to register that something was repetitively hitting my window. When I looked, I could've sworn I'd seen a tiny pebble hit the glass, followed by what sounded like someone scaling my house.

Then a particularly large pebble could be seen climbing onto the abutment just below my bay window, except this pebble had limbs and a face and waved at me like we'd just casually passed each other on the street.

Eventually, I got off the bed and drew up the window. "Seriously?"

The pebble shrugged. "Hey, you're the one that accused me of being clichéd. Thought I'd cover all bases."

Rolling my eyes, I stepped aside and Myungho hopped in. "You've been dodging my calls."

I closed the window and turned back to him. "I've been dodging everyone's calls. I'll just assume you already heard what happened at school. You probably don't want to risk being seen coming to a serial homewrecker's house."

Myungho sat on my bed, strangely unbothered. "I'll just assume you haven't already heard what happened at school."

I narrowed my eyes. What was he talking about?

"I told everyone," he said. "Yesterday at school, I went up to Chae-soo, in front of everyone, and asked her why she was still acting like we were going out when she'd dumped me weeks ago. You should've seen the look on her face. You should've seen the look on everyone's faces."

I didn't know what to say at first. I thought I might've been in shock. Myungho sounded weird though. Then it sank in. "Good for you and all, I think. And not to sound like a self-centred cow, but if people didn't already think I was a homewrecking bitch, they probably will now."

"No they won't. I also may have gone on a bit of a tirade that you had absolutely nothing to do with it, and that I was the one who offered to walk you home from that convenience store because it was late and I didn't want you walking home by yourself, and it was before you even started at MNH. None of which was a lie."

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