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A customer of my mum, who was a designer for the Versace '92 Autumn collection, had gifted her a dress. So I had something to wear, I guess.

I was too much of a coward to decline the Tinsel Triad's invitation, as some of the "less popular" students dubbed them. I had even managed to get dragged along to go shopping with them a couple of days ago. Heiko, Marina and Xiulan hadn't actually done anything malicious that I'd seen, they were just maybe a little preoccupied with wealth and status. 

"Hey Y/N," said Kyungmin, opening his front door. "You know I would've picked you up."

"How? Via piggyback?" Like me, Kyungmin had no licence.

"Fair enough." He led me into the loungeroom.

"It is so good seeing you again, Y/N," said Mrs

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"It is so good seeing you again, Y/N," said Mrs. Cho. Kyungmin's parents had flown to Romania to visit their son a couple of times, and had always treated me well. "You look beautiful. That dress is gorgeous."

"Thank you, Mrs

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"Thank you, Mrs. Cho." 

Mr. Cho greeted me also, though went upstairs, saying something about leaving soon for a broadway show. I had just assumed rich parents dressed like this for a normal dinner.

"Eh, you look all right."

Mockingly flirtatious, I flicked my hair back. "Stop it you'll make me blush."

Kyungmin was dressed pretty fancy too. Not quite James Bond tux-level fancy, but close.

"Damn Y/N, you look pretty as," complimented Yungyu by way of greeting, entering the kitchen to hug me. "Unlike my brother who looks like the stray cat that followed you home."

"Hey," complained Kyungmin. "I look great. And speaking of cats, stop sneaking Mocha into my room every morning. She sits on my head and tries to suffocate me."

Yungyu grinned evilly. "I don't know what you're talking about." He leaned close to me to whisper, "You should see how he trudges out of his room each morning, like some zombified bigfoot."

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