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"Bo-Bae, who's that?" I asked, subtly motioning to hoodie guy.

She looked at me like I was from out of space for a moment. "Oh right, you're new. That's Ji Myungho. Though you probably would've found that out by first period with all the girls, and guys to be honest, obsessing over him." My new possible friend did not look impressed; not a part of the supposed Myungho mania then. "Why?"

"Oh, no reason," I lied. "I just thought he looked a bit familiar."

"Not surprised. Mr. Popular also happens to be the star batter on the baseball team, and it's rumoured that national teams are already wanting to scout him. And surprise surprise, he's cute and rich."

And affiliated with a gang. Even though I had been wearing a mask, he'd probably recognise me. I internally groaned again. 

Well, this sucked. New school, new country, but I was not going to start panicking about a guy who was part of a gang where members had pulled weapons out on me—granted, they hadn't known I was there until this Myungho guy found my key chain—but still. Whatever, I was totally fine.

"Hello? Earth to weird new girl," said Bo-Bae, waving her hand in front of me.

I snapped out of it. "Right, sorry. I was just staring at...nothing."


We left the class after that, and the fellow senior was nice enough to accompany me to the café. We got to know each other a bit and Bo-Bae told me she had started last year and had to maintain an A grade average to keep the scholarship. From her attitude, it didn't seem like she was worried about it.

I told her where I had moved from, sporadically noticing groups glancing my way before whispering amongst themselves.

"Um, Bo-Bae," I whispered. "Have I got something on my face? People are looking at me." Not everyone was ogling at me, but the occasional looks were evident enough.

She glanced around too. "They're just looking at you because you're new. And it's pretty obvious you're foreign. Your Korean's really good by the way."


"Um, hi."

We turned on the cobble path that led to the open doors of a sun-soaked corridor. A girl, maybe a bit younger than us had spoken to get my attention.


"Sorry to like randomly come up to you, but were you talking to Kyungmin and Haemin before?"

"Yeah. Why?" I asked, keeping my tone polite.

That seemed to definitely pique her interest. "Do you like, know them? Are you their girlfriend?"

This was weird. "Yes and no. I only just met Haemin, I don't do speed dating, and Kyungmin and I are just friends."

"Oh, really? That's cool. How do you know Kyungmin? I haven't seen you here before."

This kind interrogation went on for another minute, with me keeping my answers brief and non-invasive, until her friends called her back over and she left with a, "It was nice to meet you, Y/N. Bye."

"That was...interesting," I concluded.

"And you've just opened the floodgates. That was Sunhyun, grade below us. She's nice enough, but the biggest gossip in the school."

I'd just assumed she maybe had a crush on Kyungmin. "At least I didn't tell her that much."

The other girl shrugged. "You know the basketballers though? They're pretty popular too. I'd be careful though. Some girls like to start rumours. Not Sunhyun so much, she just spreads what she hears. But you get the idea."

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