(For Honor) Chapter 11

Start from the beginning

Amber:  Even so, I would like to know why they abandoned their posts.

Ademar: To do that, we're going to need a live member of the Iron Legion. I don't think there are many left in there.

Frank: Or if there's anyone left inside at all.

Amber: Good point.

(Y/N): That doesn't matter right now. Let's focus on clearing the camp, we can ask questions later. Billy, there's a Viking on the bridge, take him out.

BIlly: Yes sir.

Billy aimed at the Viking, and after a moment, he fired, causing the Viking to fall dead into the lava. The team advanced in formation with (Y/N) at the front. When they were in front of the outpost's gate, the team positioned themselves and awaited (Y/N)'s orders. (Y/N) forcefully struck the door, causing a Viking to open it to see who was calling. Before he could react, (Y/N) plunged his combat knife into the Viking's neck, causing him to choke on his own blood.

(Y/N) grabbed the Viking's body and placed it outside the camp so that no one would find it. (Y/N) removed their knife from the Viking's body and cleaned it with the deceased's clothing. (Y/N) looked at the team.

(Y/N): You know the drill. Don't be seen.

Everyone nodded and entered the outpost. (Y/N) entered last, leaving the door open just in case. (Y/N) moved to the front of the team, venturing deeper into the outpost, passing by some dead Iron Legion footmen left on the ground to rot in the sun. The team split into smaller groups to clear the outpost more efficiently. The teams, consisting of two people each, began meticulously clearing the outpost. Billy and Frank headed to the watchtowers to eliminate the archers, with Billy taking a sniper position while Frank covered his back. Gideon and Glen went to the barracks to deal with any Vikings they encountered. Stone and Ademar went to the mess hall, and finally, (Y/N) and Amber made their way to the main courtyard. (Y/N) and Amber positioned themselves behind a wall. (Y/N) peered out slightly to count the enemies in the courtyard.

(Y/N): I count 2 soldiers with shields and 2 captains.

Amber: How do you want to do this?

(Y/N): Do you remember what we did last time?

Amber: I do.

Amber picked up a small stone from the ground and threw it to the other side of the courtyard, catching the attention of one of the guards and a captain.

Viking captain 1: Hvat var þat?

Viking 2: Ek veit ekki, en þat þótti sem eitthvað hreyfist.

As the captain and the Viking warrior approached to see what was happening, (Y/N) and Amber quietly approached the other two Vikings who were focused on the captain and the other warrior. (Y/N) slashed the warrior's throat with his knife, and Amber thrust her sword through the captain's torso. Amber didn't feel very comfortable fighting against the Vikings using stealth tactics, as she believed it was a dishonorable method of combat. This discomfort was something she had already shared with (Y/N).

Amber: You know I'm still  on dissagre with what we're doing, right?

(Y/N):*Annoyed* You want to discuss it right now?

Before Amber could respond, the Vikings turned around as the captain thought he had heard something. Upon turning and seeing Amber and (Y/N) standing in front of the bodies of their comrades, the captain immediately understood the situation.

Viking capitan: VÖKVI, ÓFRÍNDIR.

The Vikings who were still alive in the outpost quickly rushed to the courtyard as the two vikings rushed towards (Y/N) and Amber. From his sniper position, Billy communicated with (Y/N) through the radio while taking shots at the Vikings attempting to reach the courtyard.

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