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This was the sight Jean would not like to get used to; all of his friends crowded in front of him and staring at him intensely.

Releasing a chuckle, he summoned his powers and was soon enveloped in blue flames, the heat from which was not well received by his friends. Chiron formed an invisible barrier between him and the others, "our first priority will be to work on your control Mr. Jean."

After the meditation session in the temple, you made your way back to the classroom for a lecture along with your classmates

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After the meditation session in the temple, you made your way back to the classroom for a lecture along with your that a right term or is "teammates" better? Nevermind, let's figure that out later, you decided.

"It sure is surprising that your power is fire Jean, considering you're a surfer," Augustus stated.

"I was leaning towards Poseidon, to be honest," Jacques chimed in.

"I wasn't expecting to have a conversation with Hades either, you know, him being the God of the dead," Jean chuckled, "but I feel that he is being heavily misunderstood," Jean said.

"Exactly Jean! People often associate him with death for some reason and think of him as a scary like a bunch of idiots. He's not even the god of death, he just oversees the management of the underworld. I feel that the human's depictions of Hades is always negative due to their underlying fear of death, the unknown and the very thought of punishments in the afterlife."


"Since Hades rules over this aspect of existence, they fear Hades himself, I mean their weak minds always feel the need to blame someone, even if they aren't responsible."

By the time you finished your rant, everyone was looking at you with a stunned expression making you feel a bit embarrassed.

"I am sorry, you guys. Apparently the mistreatment of Hades is a trigger," you said shyly.

"Um-," Jean started but couldn't come up with anything to say so he nudged Namikazu to say something.

"I-, he cleared his throat, "I feel that it is quite brave of you to hold such strong opinions about a controversial subject matter, Y/n."

There were then murmurs of agreement from the others but it was clear that they really had no idea how to respond to you. They were not prepared to hear someone talk so enthusiastically about the mistreatment of a person, who until a couple of months ago, was just a fictional character. Though taken aback in the beginning, after a careful rumination about this incident which spoke volumes about your character; someone who doesn't judge a book by its cover, they couldn't help but like you.......someone more than the others.

someone more than the others

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2023 ⏰

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