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You opened your eyes to see the beautiful gradation of the evening sky; blues and purples filling your vision. Getting up, you realized that you were on a wooden raft floating in the middle of a lake; the water reflecting the hues of the sky above perfectly, enclosed by beautiful mountains. The serene scenery immediately filled you with happiness, you loved such places where you could admire the beauty of nature - something you always found fascinating. The beautiful sight in front of you brought a smile to your face.

Beyond the mountains, you could see vertical rainbow sparkles shooting up, towards the sky. Looking around, you found that the rainbow sparkles surrounded the place like a huge wall made of rainbow. It just added to the beauty of the scenery. 'This is definitely one of the best dreams I had', you thought.

"This is not a dream", a voice spoke from beside you.

Startled by the sudden intrusion, you turned around to see a beautiful woman adorning a white dress, like that of a greek goddess, sitting beside you. Her soft features complemented her wavy brown hair which flowed down her back elegantly, faintly caressing the pair of golden wings on her back.

Her smile filled you with serenity, like you have nothing to worry about, like your life is nothing but happiness, like you weren't just killed. 'Killed! I was shot by the damned guy with his stupid smirk. So am I dead? This woman just said that this isn't a dream, that means I am dead. For real! And she must be an angel who has come to escort me to the afterlife, yes, that beautiful face, that serene smile, those golden wings, it all makes sense now; I have connected the dots.'

"You haven't connected sh- anything, y/n. You are not dead and I am not an angel. I am Iris, the goddess of the rainbow and the messenger of gods. It is an honour to meet you," she said bowing down her head lightly.

'WTH?!', you screamed internally.

"And thank you for thinking I am beautiful", she added shyly.

Did she just blush? 'How pretty', you awed, like Yuuji and Gojo sensei looking at flowers, before snapping back to reality.

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"Iris". You have read about her, she delivers the message of Gods to humans, and her rainbow signifies the bond tied between heaven and earth. Also, there is no way you could forget her significant role in the 'Iliad'. But what is she doing here? And how are you not dead? You definitely saw that jerk pull the trigger.

"You are not dead because I brought you here before you could get shot. Remember the light? It was because you were transcending through space and time", she clarified.

"Wait a damn minute. Are you reading my mind?", you exclaimed.

She chuckled. "Took you long enough to realize that. Like I said, I am a messenger, so naturally I have the ability of telepathy."

Shrugging off your embarrassment, you proceeded to ask her the questions bugging your mind. "So you are saying that you, a goddess, saved me from that asshole and teleported me here? But why did you save me? Why do you know my name? And what is this place?"

"This is my dimension Y/N. Do you see those rainbow sparkles? They mark my territory and I can control everything that happens within them. This scenery was especially designed for you according to your interests. I needed to create a place where you felt at peace. And to answer 'why I saved you' and 'why I know your name', is exactly what we are here for. I have a message for you from the Olympians.

Your head was starting to get dizzy. You had no idea how to react to this situation. At one moment, someone has his gun pointed at your head and the next moment you have a message from the Olympians?!

"I can understand that you are worried y/n, so listen to what I have to say carefully after which I am sure all your confusions will be cleared. Here, you can hold my hand, it will help you calm down."

You did as she said, and it actually helped. Holding her hand cleared the fog in your head and prepared you to listen to what she had to say with clarity.

"Okay, let me start from the beginning. I am sure you know about the twelve Olympians, right?"

You nodded your head. Everything you read about them was coming back to you.

"So the olympians; Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Hera, Athena, Artemis, Apollo, Ares, Aphrodite, Hermes, Hephaestus, and Hestia were ruling over Anexártitos - it is another system in the aquarius constellation of the milky way galaxy. You might know it by the name of TRAPPIST -1 SYSTEM - it's what earthlings call it."

You hummed, your time spent on studying astronomy saved you from another embarrassment.

"Like the solar system, Anexártitos consists of one star - Galí̱nios, and seven planets orbiting it; Kerav̱nós, Skoteinós, O̱keanós, Éxypnos, Kalós, Ischyrós and Elpidofóros.

Some years ago, eight of the demi-gods, children of the Olympians, demanded to rule over it. Since they were halflings, they were not treated with the same respect as pure bloods; children whose both parents were gods. So they wanted to prove their worth by taking over the role which only gods played till then. Their demands were met and they were pronounced the new rulers Anexártitos, with them ruling a planet each.

But shortly after they took over Delphi made a prophecy saying that doom is impending upon Anexártitos and it could only be prevented by mortals from earth. Upon hearing this, the Olympians declared an emergency council and decided to adhere to the prophecy. They ordered Eileithyia, the goddess of childbirth, to choose eight worthy souls capable of fulfilling this role.

After years of searching, Eileithyia finally found eight souls;purest of all, filled with compassion and benevolence, harbouring no negativity - worthy to fulfill the prophecy. She reported back to the Olympians with this news and they immediately descended on Earth.

You see, though they are the children of prophecy, they cannot defeat the demigods without any power. So, the gods decided to imbue certain powers into these mortals which would help them fight the demigods and rule over their respective kingdoms.

At the time of their birth, the gods blessed them with said powers which would remain locked until the fulfillment of certain conditions, inorder to prevent mishappenings. They were to live their life on Earth in oblivion till the time comes for them to take on their roles as the chosen ones.

Like the prophecy predicted, the kingdoms of Anexártitos are nearing their doom. The demigods with their tyrannical rule are making their people and their kingdoms suffer. The resources are depleting and the people are dying. So the Olympians decided that it was high time for the mortals to dethrone them and take over their kingdoms.

And you, Y/N, are one of the eight chosen ones."



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