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What Marcus looks like

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What Marcus looks like

"Umm, what is SHE doing here!?" Marcus questioned. "You two know each other?" asked Ariana. "Unfortunately yes." Isabelle said with a frustrated face. "You can't go one day without ruining mine can you?" asked Marcus

"You're acting as if I want to be here dumbass." Isabelle said while rolling her eyes. "Well its your fault for wanting to try and compete with my business kitten" said Marcus. (Marcus is only 2 years older by the way)

"Can you both stop bickering!" exclaimed Liam. The both of them stayed silent. "It's not my fault 'Mr. Roberts' is such a jealous ass." Isabelle whispered under her breath. "Excuse me Ms. David, but what did you just say?" Marcus asked now pissed off.

The two started arguing again. "Ugh how do we make these two shut up?" Ariana asked. "Hmmm... I have an idea." Liam said. He whispered something into Arianas ear and she replied with a small grin.

Suddenly the couple started making out! Isabelle and Marcus just stared at them feeling embarrassed. "Can you two stop! You're embarrassing." Isabelle and Marcus exclaimed. "Ugh Marcus here's the thing, you take your brother and I'll take my sister and it will be like today never happened, okay?" Isabelle suggested.

"For once in my life I 100% agree with you." said Marcus looking irritated. Isabelle went on to pull her sister away and Marcus to his brother. They both separated their siblings not looking back at each other.

"Hey! What was that all about?" asked Ariana. "You both are embarrassing!" shouted Isabelle. "That's how we felt when the both of you were arguing." Ariana exclaimed. Isabelle didn't respond.

"What the heck Liam!?" shouted Marcus. "It was the only thing to stop you fighting baby bro." Liam said with a sarcastic grin. "Whatever." Marcus scoffed.

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