Chapter 35 || Worried For You

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evening falls into night and jiah refuses to go home, having a bottle of hennessy in her hand, dressed in a shimmering black skirt with it's matching bikini top instead of what she wore earlier frome home. it was one of the most expensive dresses she could find in the stores she had been to. the fit all together looks amazing, something jiah always loved to wear ever since hitting puberty. maybe her catching taehyung's eye back in college was because of her sense of fashion and the extra effort she put in making her outfit look pleasing to the eyes.

today too, thanks to the alcohol in her system, she has no trouble talking to people and ended up making a couple of friends. they're not going places, nor will these people probably ever meet her again, but at the moment she just knows that this company is worth it and she's having fun. the two guys and the girl with them are too absorbed in the music, dancing to the beat as the girl and jiah are swaying together, drinking occasionally and giggling at every little thing.

"i dumped my boyfriend here last time." the girl grins, the effect of alcohol showing in her drooping eyes and the lazy smile she sends towards jiah, who giggles at the information for some reason.

"here? wow, i wanna break up too." she pouts.

"you're so cute," the girl, squeezes her face between her palms leaning forward with her lips moulded into a dramatic pout, "i could kiss you!"

"same," jiah nods, draping her arm over the girl's shoulder and takes another sip from the bottle she's holding. the girl stops suddenly, slapping her hand over her mouth and jiah tilts her head in confusion. "guys... i think she saw her ex..." she mumbles, tugging on the nearest man's jacket, getting instant attention from the two.

one of them takes her out, obviously more worried about their friend who is about to throw up, while jiah sits down on the sofa nearby, putting down the bottle on the table. the other guy from the trio stays by her, sitting beside her and sighs, lifting up his hand for the waiter to close their tab for the night. "i'll pay," jiah mumbles.

"no no, it's fine. we got it covered." the guy smiles.

"no, i want to. i was having a messed up a week and you guys just made my night. so, let me pay... please," she almost groans, letting out a tiny burp at the end, that leaves her giggling again.

"uhm alright i guess," he agrees, "thank you."

"no, thank you." jiah smiles, pulling out taehyung's card from her purse and puts it on the table. the guy watches as she slides it up to the end towards the waiter, who sighs, picking it up and leaves to get the payment done. "what's your name again...?" jiah looks at the guy beside her, "james? jules? peter? what was it, i'm sorry?"

"jonah," he chuckles.

"right, you're joonah."

"it's 'jonah' not joonah," he laughs.

"yeah yeah, same thing. what's in a name?" she grumbles, taking one large sip, emptying the bottle and lets out another burp as she touches her stomach. "oof, i think i should go now."

"let them get your card back." jonah says, "so, uhm do you have a boyfriend?"

"i... do i have a boyfriend?" jiah frowns, thinking about it deeply, "why can't i remember? i think i do... or maybe that was a dream?"

jonah sighs deeply, shaking his head, while jiah is busy looking around, seemingly trying to spot something or someone. once she does, she gasps and stands up, pointing at the advertisement of the phone brand playing on the screen towards the lounge, "him!"

"that's your boyfriend?" jonah chuckles amusedly, "even serena loves him a lot. i guess he has a way with women."

"yeah, he does." jiah nods, "but he's fucking rude. i don't like him... i mean, i do. but—but i don't like him... i like him when he kisses me and loves me, but not when he— y'know when he wants to take ji away."

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