Chapter 18 || Stronger

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After checking her location and realising that she's actually quite far from where she lived, Jiah tried breaking the route into small parts as calculated that taking a cab all the way home would be too expensive and probably not possible for some cab drivers might not take it that ling at once. Why spending so much money when she can take a bus half the way and then head home with a cab without any problem. That would split up and reduce the total cost by a fair amount.

It's already late by the time gets off the second bus, carrying Jihun with one arm and his stroller with the other. She takes a deep breath, unfolding it and sits Jihun inside, taking a moment to stretch her back a little. From here she can either call a cab or even ask Yoongi to come pick her up. He would be so mad if he comes to know what happened with Jimin today, especially the fact that she travelled so far all alone with her toddler when it's already getting dark.

She sighs softly, glancing at Jihun as she starts pushing his stroller, walking towards home. She pulls out her phone, calling Yoongi's number to ask if he's free and would pick her up right now. However, he seems busy as the ringing is being transferred to his voicemail, making Jiah sigh, deciding to call a cab instead.

"God, why aren't any cabs available," She hisses, refreshing the app, but nothing happens. She tries calling Yoongi again, clicking her tongue in frustration when he still isn't answering.

"Looks like we'll have to walk home," She sighs, her mind playing the last conversation with Jimin. Did she overreact? Did she do anything wrong? Maybe she shouldn't have left Jimin waiting just to deal with Jungkook... She looks straight ahead, shaking her head at the thoughts, deciding to talk to Jimin tomorrow with a much calm mood.

As she continues walking through the dimly lit street, frequently checking her phone to find any cabs nearby, a whistle grabs her attention followed by two big shadows blocking the light behind her. She looks over her shoulder, gulping thickly as she can hear the lazy voice and slurred words that are probably being referred to her since there is no other girl here. Thinking of Jihun with her, she knows the only option is to ignore these drunkards and walk away until she's safe at home.

Her footsteps increase the pace, subtly taking out the keys from her purse and holds them like claws between her clenched fist. The men follow after, making her wonder if it's already too late for drunk men to start with thier nasty job of harrasment. She also holds up her phone, dialling Yoongi's number again, praying for him to answer which just doesn't work today.

"Hey girl,"

Jiah walks faster if she wasn't already, holding the keys tightly in her hand and having the emergency dial on her phone one tap away, for the last thing she wants is to fight some drunk men on the street while she's alone with Jihun.

"Can't you hear?" The other one calls out jogging to catch up with her. They walk by her side, smirking as their eyes run the length of her body, getting a glare from her. "Oh wait, so you have a child?"

"Adorable," The fat one laughs, grabbing the Jiah's hand close to the handle of the stroller.

"Let go," Jiah pushes him away, bringing the stroller behind her and steps back, never doing the mistake of moving towards the wall.

"Why? Don't you wanna be friends? You look lonely with your kid. We could take you home,"

"No need," Jiah tells calmly, "Thank you, but I'm really okay,"

"Oh no you're not," The taller one smirks, stepping closer, "Such a shame that a beautiful thing like you has to walk her son all alone at night,"

"Move back," Jiah gulps, looking around for help, any person, any shop, but unfortunately there's none, other than one small stall that might be too far for anyone to see her in need of help. The man doesn't listen and Jiah groans in annoyance, bringing up her fist with the keys striking out, meeting the man's face with a hard punch. His cheek bleeds at once, probably due to the strength coupled with the keys.

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