The days passed quickly, the two Coirnna's developing a strong friendship, and their 12th birthday soon arrived. The day itself, Cori celebrated with the usual parades and live music, but what she looked forward to the most was the day after, where she celebrated her birthday with Corinna. Whilst her dream of sitting down with her family and eating cake would never be a reality, Rhea organised to have the chefs bake a cake for her with little models of the characters from her favourite book series. They sat outside in the royal gardens, eating cake alongside Corinna and her great-grandfather Ernest, who had designed a special part of the garden just for Cori's use, and had also set up a bouncy castle.

Princess Cori's new friend eventually gained some attention from her family, interested for never before had Cori spent so much time with anyone other than her servant Rhea. However, it was not good attention, Cori realised, as Alfreda made mocking jests at how freckled Corinna was, asking if she was part frog, and then Osmond kept on wondering how much Corinna was being paid to be Cori's friend. While Cori tried to ignore them, Osmond's words stuck in her mind. Was Corinna being paid?

Could Rhea have persuaded Corinna to be her friend and visit her in exchange for money? She did seem quite rehearsed when they had first met, so polite and always smiling and bowing. Cori wondered if the friendship they had built over the past year had all been but an act, none of it real. The more Cori thought about it, the more she started to believe it. There were times when she saw Corinna Warren with no expression on her face, blank and emotionless like a doll, then in a flash a bright smile would appear on her lips when she noticed that she was seen.

No, could it be true?

Could she just be pretending?

The princess was used to adults pretending and faking their smiles and compliments, but she had found that children were often honest, too honest sometimes, blurting out whatever they thought. Or was Corinna just an excellent actress?

It was a school day, and Corinna Warren had visited as usual to complete some more homework when the royal guards entered the princess' wing.

"His Majesty, King Casimir!" announced one of the guards.

Princess Cori and Corinna Warren both jolted to their feet, Corinna then kneeling on one knee, head bowed as the king walked into the library.

"There's my little girl," said King Casimir. "How are your studies?"

"Very well, Your Majesty!" replied Princess Cori.

"And who is this?" The king turned to the kneeling Corinna. "I had heard you had a new friend, Cori. Is this her?"

Cori nodded. "Her name is also Corinna, and we have the same birthday!"

The king chuckled. "My, what a coincidence. You may rise, Miss Corinna."

Corinna obeyed, but her eyes dared not leave the floor, her hands remaining firmly behind her back.

"Correct me if I am wrong, Miss Corinna," King Casimir began. "But are you part of the Warren-Earl-Best family?"

Corinna nodded, then hesitantly answered, "I am Corinna Warren."

"Well, Corinna Warren." Casimir knelt to her level. "Thank you very much for keeping my daughter company."

Corinna nodded, then bowed, her lips quivering as if she was too scared to talk.

"If you are a Warren, then perhaps you would like to work here when you are older just as the rest of your family have? Its a tradition that has lasted several generations in your family that I assume you will follow. What would you like to do? Would you like to be one of Cori's servants?"

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