"*23: Secrets Blooming*"

En başından başla

"Hey Beatrice!" Her minions push me off and I start laughing at her pale face. I laugh like a maniac and mouth 'watch your back' and walk away.

I got to the parking lot and saw Blake, Grayson and Bruce leaning on the hood of Luca's car.

"Hey guys" I chimed.

"Hey Bea" Blake said while the rest waved.

"Where's Luca?"

"Oh he's coming with Riccardo"

"So bee, what's up? How've you been?" Bruce said removing his glasses and swaying his hair to the back.

I gulp and shut my mouth before they noticed.

" I've been great! Really good!" I fake enthusiasm to sound real.

"Wow, I also heard of your late foster mum, so sorry"

"It's fine" I smiled. Really it's fine. You don't know how long I've been waiting to put a fucking bullet in that bitch's skull.

"Okay. So-" he was cut off my a ringing tone. They all looked at me, signaling it was my phone.

I grab my phone, and check who's calling. It's an unknown number but I still pick up.



"Sorry what?"


"Who's this?"


"Find what?"


"I think you've got the wrong person"

"It's me baby, I will find you"

"W-what?" By now I'm shaking.

"I will find you, and destroy you" they end the call.

I dropped my phone to the ground and I black out.


                      Blake's POV

I study Bea's expression when she picks the call.

"Hey man, how about a match tonight" Gray asks but I'm too distracted to listen.

"Yo! Bro!" He nudges me and I almost fall over.


"Wanna play a match?"

"Yeah sure" I reply distractedly.

"You acting all strange" now my full attention is on him.

"Strange? How?"

"It's just-" I hear a thud and turn around to see Bea laying on the floor.

"Bea!" I rush and grab her off the ground.

"What's wrong with her?!" A frantic Bruce asked.

"I-i don't know" I lift wanting to rush her to the hospital.


I turn to Gray,"what!?"

"Let me try waking her up"


"You'll see" he says and grabs a water bottle and sprinkles a few drops on her face.

Her face scrunches, probably due to the coldness from the water. Her eyes begin to slowly open and shut, trying to adjust to the lighting even though it's just been five minutes.

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