Chapter 11 - Not Just A Comet

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Warning: Unedited; bug with Wattpad; Long chapter to apologise for the delay.

Either it's my Wattipadi or I'm not alone in this, there's a bug with this app. Also, at this point, I can't even have a schedule because of all the things that are going on in my life but— this story, as well as the other ones, will not be dropped. It will continue until the end, whether in another book or not.



While Bonnie was mopping over the fact that she had missed a chance to play the famous Wap song while on her way to the Boarding House, it had given Damon and his brother the time to join her in their parlour.

And when Bonnie had snapped back into reality with their arrival, she had found herself, a spectator to their conversation.

Well, if someone could call it that, as they seemed to be lost in a staring contest, filling the room with their testosterone as tension swarmed around the room like a fog and Bonnie swore they were speaking with their eyes.

'Oh, so I've turned into unsalted butter and chopped liver, somebody bring out the grill please.', she had concluded, after a minute of silence and none of them paying attention to her or even acknowledging that she existed.

And then, as her eyes jungled between the two, fixing their frowning faces— and Damon's smirk— Bonnie pondered.

It was faint, but the idea was there, their stare-off and different personalities and bond reminded her of a scene from a TV series she watched not long ago.

« Have there been any words from your dear brother? Not since I've named him commander of the city watch. Hahaha! », and then she proceeded to laugh at her joke.

It was only after noticing the piercing eyes on her, that she realised that what had thought to have simply played in her mind, had actually been said out loud.

« S-sorry, don't mind that... », it was clear to say that she was both embarrassed and amused by her predicament. « Inside joke. »

« Anyways, Visery— I mean, boys, please sit down. This will only take a couple of minutes and then I will get out of your hair. », she fixed her posture, trying to adopt the professionalism of an interviewer.

'Daebag, this could totally turn into 100 shades of red. Hello, my name is Bonnie Steele—'

Again, Bonnie had to bite the inside of her cheek, hard enough to stop herself from exploding with laughter. She wasn't sure if the two Salvatore could tell what was happening, but with their enhanced senses, the frowns on their faces and her wide eyes filling with tears, she knew she would only be lying to herself.

« Bonnie, are you okay? », Stefan asks, and she could hear the concern in his voice.

Inhaling noisily through her nose, Bonnie released a breath, cleared her throat and nodded. She wasn't sure she could trust her mouth to open and let out words instead of laughter.

After another deep breath, she clapped her hands once. « Yes! », she almost yells. « Yes, I am. So, I already know a bit from what Stefano here has told me about your family. And from the history of the town. », she adds purposely, while eyeing Damon.

As expected, he arched a brow. « The history of the town? Well, well, you really take your job to heart, don't you? And what does Mystic Falls say about the Salvatores? »

At that, Bonnie shrugged and leaned back in her seat. « That you're really old. », she says abruptly and holds back a smirk from the slight shift in their postures.

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