Chapter 8 - Hogwarts, The Birth (2)

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Warning: Unedited.


« From what I gathered, you're centuries old, have many PhD, masters in different majors and so on

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« From what I gathered, you're centuries old, have many PhD, masters in different majors and so on. You live to study and own the cafe down the block. », Bonnie states, giving Slater a once-over. She had looked into him and gathered as much information as he could before the visit.

« Wait— you're vampire, you basically— no you're immortal and you chose to spend your time in college? To what, to study? Are all vampire sadists? », Tyler interrupts in disbelief.

He wondered how someone would voluntarily study over and over again.

« Then what should I do with my eternity? », the vampire counters. « In this world where the one you get to know dies before you, I found that studies don't die. They're like me. That is unless you have something to suggest? », he adds, his brows raised as he looked at every one of them.

« Moving on. Your love for studies and smart brain are what makes you the perfect person for the job. », Bonnie says with a smile nonetheless confident and professional. « It doesn't have a name yet, but you can say assistant, informant, manager... geulseyo. »

Whereas Bonnie was awaiting the flow of questions concerning the role the vampire was going to play, she didn't expect him to laugh. « You? A witch wants— »

« Divergent. », she immediately interrupts. Next to her, Caroline winced as she caught on the why she interrupted him.

« What? », he asks in confusion and glanced at her friends.

Again, Bonnie gave him an indescribable look. « Divergent, that's what I am and that's what you'll call me. Never say, witch. It's also in the contract you signed, call me that again and you will find yourself on the floor, writhing in pain. »

After that, nobody spoke or moved. Even Jeremy who wanted to throw a joke, clasped his mouth shut.

« Okay. », Slater speaks after a moment, understanding the seriousness of the situation. « Then what makes you think I will want to work for a... divergent? I mean you threatened me to work with you, I didn't choose it. »

« You threatened to kill my friend. I threatened you after that. I never threatened your wonderland over there. », the Bennett girl immediately counters and mentions Alice who was still knocked out. She signed and snapped her fingers, a document appearing in her hand.

« You may be smart, quick-witted but until now and since the moment you were turned, you never managed to get what you truly desire, what you're lacking. », then she handed him the document for him to read. In it, she stated what exactly he was to do for and with her.

He looked down and began to read. Meanwhile, Bonnie was thinking of Mystic Falls and what could be happening out there. She did not have a trusted person to contact, none that could tell her the information she needed.

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