Chapter Two : First Day of Class

Start from the beginning

He could feel and hear his father start circling him like a vulture. The steps sounded louder and louder with each one he took. "I also heard another thing. This one from your slippery mouth sister about that mudblood Slytherin girl."

The way Mister Gaunt spoke made Ominis visibly shiver as he felt a slight wave of fear.

"She said you seemed to be getting awfully close to her. So much so that you almost went into a damn panic when she got injured by a damn goblin. Fucking pathetic."

"She almost died due to the power Ranrok had stolen from Victor Rookwood," Ominis snapped, suddenly feeling a sense of anger start to wash over his panic. "And she's not a muggleborn. There's proof from the Ministry that her parents were students at Hogwarts, and her mother especially is from a long line of magic."

"She may have been born into magic, but she was raised at a filthy mudblood orphanage instead of with that so-called witch."

"Her mother was protecting her!"

"She's just as much a mudblood as the rest of them. And the fact that you would associate yourself with her at all is disgusting and unbecoming of an heir to this family."

"You and I both know I'm a defective spare. Marvolo is the true heir. And if I'm such a disappointment, why don't you just go ahead and disown me?"

"Because a defective spare can still father Gaunt children," Mister Gaunt spoke practically in his sons' ear. "After your seventh year, you will be married whether you like it or not. You will disassociate with this worthless orphan, as well as stop these ridiculous things you've been spreading, and you will marry the pure blood witch that I choose for you."

Ominis raised his head up in defiance. "And if I refuse?"

He felt his father's mouth practically hiss into his ear as the searing tip of a wand dug into his neck, sending a cold harsh shiver down Ominis' spine again.

"You know the punishment for disobedience."

Ominis stood up straight. It may have been years, but he still knew by the harshness of the parseltongue what his father was about to do next. And he would be damned if he went down easily.


Sabrina had expected to meet up with Ominis and Sebastian in the Common Room before breakfast, but was surprised to hear from Anne that the boys had rushed off ahead of them. "Knowing my brother, he probably dragged Ominis ahead because of how hungry Sebastian gets," Anne assured her. "Let's hurry up so we can get our schedules."

When the girls reached the Great Hall, the entire school was buzzing with excitement at the beginning of the new school year and the expectations of their classes. Sebastian was already shoving sausage and egg into his mouth, and Ominis was sipping on his tea as if trying to hide how tired his face looked.

As soon as Anne and Sabrina sat down, schedules were passed out by the heads of houses. As Professor Ronen passed out the lists, he loudly called out, "Be on the lookout! I will be reaching out to each of you six years later today to discuss your O.W.L results as well as your elective options! I will say, the amount of students who received 'Outstandings' in Charms is a new record! I am very proud of all of you! There you go, Miss Pryor."

Sabrina took her schedule. "It's Lewis, sir."

"Ah, right! Forgive me, name changes always take a while. Miss Pryor—"


"Lewis! Ahh! The first day and I've screwed up twice already!"

"Looks like all of our schedules match until we get our elective information," she heard Anne say as Professor Ronen walked off. "Charms first thing, then Defense Against the Dark Arts, and double Potions this afternoon."

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