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Star's POV (third view)

So that's basically it. Marinette, or Meixiu, is back in China as Princess. Nino is the royal right hand of the princess. Shanique is the royal guard of the princess. And everyone else as... themselves in Paris.

But that was ages ago. Exactly five years.

But what happened over time? Well, everyone got what they deserved and worked hard for.

Meixiu started her new school with others, and everyone loved her, not just because she was the princess, but also because she was the kindest, honest, and loyal angel people ever met. There was even a party to celebrate her welcome to the school, organized by her new and old friends.

Speaking of friends, Alix and Max made their relationship official, with their parents accepting it right away, and are even noticed as the most loyal couple. Mainly because of them being the loyal friends of the Princess of China.

Nino and Mochi are still together and haven't had a day where they haven't been together for at least an hour. They both luckily are in almost the same classes. Totally from luck.

Shanique and Juleka started dating sometime after the ceremony. And much to my surprise, it was Juleka who asked her out first, with her pulling her into a kiss soon after. Juleka is going often to China with her brother and their father for some time as they both started home-schooling with Kagami, so they all travel around the world on their boat house, led by their mother.

Chloe and Mei often see each other, whether it's online or face-to-face due to our fathers being leaders of countries. It wasn't hard for Mei to organize a private plane to fly over to France to see her friends and family, especially since she didn't have a lot to do now.

Well now because everyone graduated from schools they went to and even finished universities.

Chloe graduated with a business degree and now is taking over her father's grand hotel. It went up successfully that she will be planning to open more in France, and possibly in Europe. If so, Mei might consider getting a few of them in China.

Kagami has mastered fencing and with it, she graduated with an art degree. Luka, on the other hand, graduated with a Music degree and now has a stack of contract pages of people who want to work with him to produce new hits. They are still dating, yet they met Felix at university and all three are always together. Might be something out of that.

Alix graduated with a Sport and Fitness degree, while Max graduated with a Computer Science degree. They both went to America to do those courses at one of the best universities, yet still together. They are stuck like glue. I won't be surprised if Max will propose to Alix in this chapter.

Nino graduated with a film production degree and Mochi with an IT degree, both in China. Nino made his first movie with Quad Squad, who graduated with a performance art degree, being the actors, about some superheroes in Paris with God creatures being the sources of powers.

This sounds familiar to one series I watched five seasons of.

Nath graduated with an art degree and Marc from literature. They are both working together to make comics, that are sold everywhere, especially the one they made with Astral about the Princess of China and her hero friends saving China. I have a copy of that comic.

Well, speaking of Astral, they are both still dating, even after everyone watched how they kissed LIVE. Astral wasn't at the start happy about it, but hasn't complained at all, especially since not many people bothered them on dates and when they walked together. Astral graduated with a literature degree in the same class as Marc, while Mei graduated with a Fashion Design degree, just because she wanted to do so.

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