9/28/23 at 2:52pm

41 0 13

Dear Diary,

Today has been a pretty normal day, I talked to someone I really like and it made me happy. Right now I feel pretty happy as I know we have an art club meeting and I might see that person.

I had early marching band this morning so me and my friend, lets called her L, walked to the school early and put together our instruments. We both play the Clarinet! I really like playing the clarinet, its fun and L is a big inspiration for me playing it.

I also talked to another friend today about how we think our marching parade is going to go in a few days, it was pretty nice and I like talking to him as he's pretty chill. We both said that we think its going to be really fun and I hope we're right.

Next week we have a game for cheer and basketball, our school doesn't do football so we cheer for basketball instead. I'm a cheerleader along with a few of my other friends! It's really fun and so far we have had about 14-15 practices, some being early in the morning and others being after school. I hope we have a good season this year, some of the girls do basketball and cheer so thats really interesting.

We also have a Science test next week and I'm not the best at science so i hope I do well on it, we don't have school tomorrow meaning we have a 3 day weekend so I hope that I can study properly and all goes well! Science is a subject that Im not the best in, though I'm told I am really good at Math and Reading! When we did like our final test for Math and Reading last year, I got advanced in both so thats a good thing!

Anyway, I'll write again at some point and I hope you have a good day, drink lots of water, eat plenty of good food, and make sure to get some sleep and take a break for your mental health if you need to!



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