Chapter 17 - A Yandere's Desires

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[Word count - 1,209]

A few weeks later...

Location - Shopping Mall

Your POV

I managed to get a day off from work. My first day off in a while, and I decided to spend it at the mall, wanting to buy something for my mom since her birthday is coming up. Being outside of the house does give me a chance to think about who I want to be with as well.

I thought I would have an answer by now, but after my date with Kanon a few weeks ago, I am struggling to come up with an answer. This is going to be a lot harder than I thought.

"Ah, (Y/N)-kun, I had a feeling I would see you here today."

I heard someone called out to me, and I turned around to see who it was, I saw that it was Chisato from Pastel*Palettes. She was giving me a smile that made me feel a bit... uneasy.

"Oh, good afternoon, Chisato." I said as I greeted her, not trying to show her how uneasy I was beginning to feel.

"Good afternoon to you too." She said. "Are you doing something shopping?"

"Yeah, I am." I replied. "My mom's birthday is coming up, and I want to make sure to get her a nice gift."

"I see. Fufu, that's awfully nice of you." She said before speaking up.

"What about you, Chisato?" I asked. "Are you doing some shopping as well?"

"That's right. I bought some clothes, and some other items." She said and showed me.

I took a peek inside her bag, and saw the stuff she bought. I was quite surprised by how she has bought. I remember how much she mentioned she likes going shopping, but... I didn't think she would like it this much...

"That is a lot of items you have there." I said to Chisato.

"Yeah, well, shopping has also been a personal hobby of mine, especially when I want to buy some new clothes." She said and chuckled a little bit.

"I see."

"Say, if you don't mind, do you want to hangout with me for a little bit?" She asked.

"Hangout with you? Are you sure?" I asked. "I don't want to get in your way."

"Not at all." She smiled sweetly. "It'd be nice for us to hangout for a change, wouldn't you say?"

She was right about that. During the time I worked at CiRCLE, I never thought about hanging out with Chisato that much. I was more focused on hanging out with the six girls I have feelings for. And who knows, maybe Chisato can help me with making my decision.

"You know what? Sure, I'd be happy to hangout with you." I said.

"Really? Thank you."

Chisato gave me a smile as she came closer to me, and I don't know what it is, but... this is starting to scare me a little bit.

"So, what should we do first?" Chisato asked. "You got any ideas in mind?"

"Well, I still need to get a birthday gift for my mom. If you want, maybe you can give me some ideas." I said.

"Yes. I'd be happy to help you out."

An hour later...

Location - Shirasagi Residence

Spending the whole day with Chisato was definitely an interesting experience for me, minus the uncomfortable stares she's been giving me. That aside, though, she has been helpful in finding me the right gift.

Once we were done hanging out at the mall, we headed back to her house because she didn't want me to leave her yet. As we got inside, we removed our shoes, and a dog came over to us.

"Hi Leon. Did you miss me?" She said as she got down on her knees and started showing the dog some love.

"I didn't know you have a dog."

"Yeah, his name is Leon, and he is a pretty cute dog." She said and continued to pet him.

"So you're a dog person, huh?"

"Yeah. I've had him since I was little, and ever since then, I've always been kind of a dog person."


At first, I was feeling uneasy about hanging out with Chisato, but now, I can see that Chisato is not that different from any other human on the planet, or so I thought...

"Anyway, shall we go to my room?" She asked.

"Umm, okay?"

Location - Shirasagi Residence, Chisato's Room

Chisato guided me to room, and I managed to look around. Once the bassist closed the door, she came closer to me, and sat me down on her bed. I looked at her in the eyes, and they were about as lifeless as they can get.

"C-Chisato-chan? You okay?" I nervously asked.

"I had one desire the first I met you." She said before sitting close to me and caressing my cheek.

I felt a cold shiver down my spine as she did. I think I know what's going on here. She's becoming the one thing I didn't want to see... a yandere.

"W-What is it?"

"Kissing you, my beloved (Y/N)."

Before I could react, Chisato leans in, and gave me a kiss on the lips. I just sat there as I let her kiss me. The kiss lasted a while before she broke it.

"Well, how was that?" She asked.

"N-Not bad, I guess." I replied before looking away.

"I'm glad because..."

She took my hands, intertwines our fingers together and looked at me directly into my eyes.

"I'm starting to fall in love with you, and I am wondering if you feel the same way about me."

Looks like Chisato is starting to fall in love with me. But as she did, I removed my hands, and looked down at the ground. I had to come clean with her.

"It's sweet of you to say that, Chisato, but... I don't feel the same way about you." I said and looked away.

Chisato looked heartbroken the second I rejected her.

"What? How come? It's not me, is it?"

"It's not you, it's me."

"How is it you?"

"I have my heart stolen by six girls, and as nice as you are, you're not exactly one of them."


Chisato stayed silent for a moment before speaking up again.

"May I... know the six girls that have won your heart?" She asked.

I sighed and told her about Kasumi, Maya, Lisa, Rinko, Kaoru and Kanon. After I reveal their identities, Chisato was taken aback.

"I had a feeling Kanon was happy from the last time I hung out with her, and now I can see why." She said.

"So, you're not mad at me?"

"No, I'm not." She said. "However, I will give you a piece of advice before you make your decision."

"What is it?"

"Make sure to follow your heart, okay?"

"Oh, alright then."

I didn't even mention that I haven't made my decision yet, so how could Chisato know that? I guess she is amazing, after all.

To be continued

A/N: Thank you so much for reading this chapter. I hope you guys liked it and I'll see you in the next one. :)

Next book to update: The Mysterious Bassist

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