Chapter 10 - The Grand Show

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[Word count - 2,701]

The day of the event...

Location - Live House CiRCLE, Dressing Room

Your POV

At last, the day of the event is finally here. It was busy during the last few days, but it's going to be worth it if it means that I get to see everyone perform. On top of that, the owner will be here as well, so this could be my chance to show her how much I've learned since I started working here.

The girls are here, and they are currently in the dressing room, changing into their stage costumes. They're friends and families showed up to show their support. At this point, we might end up with a full house.

After a while, Marina and I came inside the dressing to check in on everyone. By now, they've fully changed into their outfits, and they were chatting amongst themselves.

"Hi everyone, are we ready to go?" Marina asked.

"Yep! We're ready to go!" Kasumi said.

"You bet we are." Ran said.

"We're ready ourselves." Aya said.

"Of course we are." Yukina said.

"And we're ready to make people smile as well!" Kokoro said.

"Awesome! (Y/N)-kun, I'll let you take over from here."

"Right! So this is order we put you in." I said and began to read off the list. "First to perform is Poppin' Party. Second will be Afterglow. Going third will be Pastel*Palettes, and then Roselia. Finally, Hello, Happy World! will close out the event going last."

"Is everyone ok with this lineup?" I asked.

"Yes!" Kasumi said as she raised her hand up in a heartbeat.

"It does seem pretty straightforward." O-Tae added.

"So we're up first, huh? I'm a bit nervous." Rimi said.

"Don't worry, Rimi-rin." Saaya said and pulled something out. "Here, have a chocolate cornet to calm your nerves."

"Thanks, Saaya-chan."

Rimi took the cornet and began eating it.

"Onee-chan! I'm going to do my best!" Hina said to her twin sister.

"Yes. I would hope so." Sayo said. "Just don't do anything that you'll ruin the performance."

"Hehe, I promise I won't."

"Somehow I don't buy that." Maya said nervously.

"Minato-san, make sure you watch us carefully because Afterglow is going to give the best performance." Ran said.

"Ran, this is not a competition." Himari said.

"Fine by me. After all, it'll be Roselia who'll give the best performance." Yukina responded.

"Now now, Yukina. No need to get riled up." Lisa said.

Honestly, Ran and Yukina got some beef.

"Oh man, I'm starting to get nervous." Kanon said.

"No need to worry, Kanon." Kaoru said. "We've practiced very hard for this particular day, so we got nothing to worry about."

"Yeah, you're right."

"Well, everyone. It's time!" I said. "Poppin' Party, are you ready to go?"

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