Chapter 15 - Date Chapter: Kaoru

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[Word count - 1,175]

A few days later...

Location - Hazawa Coffee

Your POV

After working hard during the last few hours at CiRCLE, it was finally time for my break. However, this time around, I decided to mix things up and went to Hazawa Coffee instead. Tsugumi and Eve were kind enough to greet me the second I show up.

I sat down and asked for chocolate cake and ice tea. Eve was kind enough to make it and gave it to me.

"Here you go, (Y/N)-kun. One chocolate cake and an ice tea." She said with a smile.

"Thanks, Eve." I said and took a bite of the chocolate cake.

"Mmm, this is good." I added and grinned.

"Fufu, I'm glad you think so." Eve said.

As I was sitting alone with cake and tea, someone came inside Hazawa Coffee, and they came towards me. It was Kaoru from Hello, Happy World!. I can tell she was happy to see me.

"Ah, (Y/N)-kun, it must be fate that brought me to you today." She said in full actress mode.

"Oh, hi Kaoru. What brings you here?" I asked.

"I came here looking for you, fore I have a question for you." She said. "Is it okay if I sit with you?"

"Umm, sure."

Kaoru took a seat across from me, and Tsugumi gave her a menu to look at, and after a few seconds, she ordered a strawberry cake and black coffee.

Once Tsugumi gave it to her, she smiled and began to eat it. After another few seconds, I began to speak up.

"So, what did you want to ask me earlier?" I asked.

"Right, so I wanted to know if you are available this coming weekend." She said.

"Yeah, I am." I replied. "Is something happening I should know about?"

"Indeed there is." She grinned. "There is a new movie that came out two weeks ago, and I'm interested seeing if you wish to tag along with me."

"Like a date?"

"Indeed, so what do you say, my dear prince? Are you interested?" Kaoru asked as she took my hand and kisses it.

Her actions took me by surprise, and I began to blush a little. Kaoru was one of the girls that I was interested in, and this could be my chance to go out with her.

"Sure, Kaoru. I'd be more than happy to join you for our movie date."

As soon as I agreed, Kaoru grinned from ear to ear.

"I'm glad you agree." She said before finishing her cake and standing up. "I will see you this weekend then, my dear prince."

Kaoru walked out of Hazawa Coffee, and I began to think about how this weekend is going to turn out. Me going on a date with Seta Kaoru... I just hope her fan girls don't show up and attack me.

This coming weekend...

Location - Shopping Mall, Movie Theater

The weekend soon came, and Kaoru and I made it to the mall together. Once we got there, we went straight to the movie theater. We got our popcorn and drinks, then we sat in the middle of the theater. They were playing movie trailers, so it was a good thing we didn't miss anything.

"Now then, my prince. Are you ready to see the best film in the making?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm ready."

After seeing the trailers, the movie began.

The movie were watching is a romance movie. I haven't seen a lot of romance movies, so I'm not sure how to feel about them. But I can tell that Kaoru seems to enjoy it very much.

Every now and then, I would look over towards her, and her eyes were glued to the screen, and she had a big grin on her face. It's nice to see her having a good time.

I began to focus my attention on the movie again, and before I knew it, I felt someone's hand touching mine as the movie was getting climatic. It was Kaoru's hand, and she intertwined our fingers together.

I didn't fight it, though. After all, this was a date, and if it makes Kaoru happy, then I'll do whatever I can to keep her happiness.

After the movie...

Location - Residential Area

Kaoru's POV

Ah, what a fleeting moment that was between me and (Y/N). I was able to hold his hand in the movie theater, and I felt something for sure. It was love. Ah, what a beautiful feeling.

Once the movie ended, the prince and I began to make our way to our next destination: my house. We walked hand in hand. However, our journey was interrupted by my little kittens as they were jealous that I was spending my time with (Y/N). Thankfully, I managed to reason with them, but things got worse.

As we got closer to my house, I decided to ask (Y/N) his thoughts on our outing, and something more... personal.

"So, (Y/N)-kun, what did you think about the movie?" I asked.

"Well, I liked it." I said. "Some of those scenes really got to me, you know."

"Yes. Ah, it was fleeting."

I stopped walking for a moment and I took (Y/N)'s other hand, and I smiled at him.

"You know, I'm curious on what it is like to be the main female character in that movie, if you know what I mean?"

A blush appeared on his face as he responded.

"Yeah, I think I do."

Thankfully, he understood what I meant. I leaned in with my eyes closed and I kissed him. He kissed me back and my heart melted by his lips. I melted my fans hearts before, but to have my own heart melted... it's something different.

We broke the kiss and smiled at each other.

"You really captured my heart, my dear prince." I said, blushing. "Do you feel the same way?"

It took him a moment to answer this question.

"Yes, Kaoru. You have captured my heart, but... five other girls captured my heart as well."

"Is that so?"

"Yes, and I want to take my time figuring out who I want to be with, so... do you think you can give me some time?" He pleaded.

It seems like my prince is serious about this. If that is what he wishes, then I will do just that. For him.

"Very well. I will wait for you to make your ultimate decision." I said with a smile.

"Thanks Kaoru."

"Of course. I trust you to make the right decision."

To be continued

A/N: Next chapter is the last date chapter involving my best girl. Whoo!
Side note, I was recovering from a cold, hence why I couldn't get this out sooner.
Thank you so much for reading this chapter. I hope you guys liked it and I'll see you in the next one. :)

Next book to update: The Silent Guitarist

Shout-out to IanMartinez527 for becoming a recent follower

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