Chapter 7 - One Member Short

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[Word count - 1,146]

A few days later...

Location - Live House CiRCLE, Studio Room

Your POV

The five girls spent the next few days practicing their songs as much as they can for the upcoming show. The work that was given to me is a lot of work, that's for sure, and that this rate, I might end up sleeping good tonight.

Today was another day where a band would get a chance to rehearse in the studio room for a few hours. I believe today is Roselia's turn, and I've been looking forward to seeing them all day, especially Lisa and Rinko. Huh? Why do I want to see them so much? That's weird...

I went into the studio room and got it ready, and by the time I got myself out of there, Roselia was already walked in. However, I noticed that Lisa wasn't with them, which broke my heart a little bit.

"Hello, everyone. You're just in time to use the studio room." I said.

"Thank you, (L/N)-san." Sayo said.

"We appreciate... everything you have... done for us." Rinko said as a small smile appears on her face.

"Hehe, it was nothing." I said as a small blush appears on my face.

"Now then, let's go inside and get started." Yukina ordered.

"Right!" The others responded.

"Hey, where's Lisa? Is she coming today?" I asked.

"Afraid not." Sayo responded. "She got summoned to work at the last minute."

That was too bad, I was really looking forward to seeing Lisa today, but more importantly, I didn't know she had a part-time. Just when I thought she couldn't get anymore amazing.

"It'll be okay, though." Yukina said. "Lisa will return to rehearsals before the event."

"She's right! And this is not the first time something like this happened." Ako chimed in.

"She's right." Yukina said. "We ran into a similar issue like this last year, and almost everything was a disaster."

"But this time, we came prepared, and we're gonna make sure our time in the studio room is not wasted." Sayo said.

"Well, okay then." I said. "Good luck with rehearsals, and let me know if there's anything I can do to help you out."


The four Roselia girls headed inside, and I went back to work.

"Let's see... I know Marina-san left me a task list to do while she is away..."

An hour later...

I completed almost everything Marina wanted me to do on the task list. There was a lot to do, but these were easy tasks, which has to be the silver lining to it. It could've been worse, though. She could've given a lot of tough tasks, and I could be here all night.

While working, though, I did get a chance to hear Roselia practice their songs in the studio room. They've been practicing for almost an hour, and they've pretty much burned through most of their songs they said they were going to perform at the show. I just hope that they take a break at some point, like what I'm doing before I get back to work. 

While hanging out behind the front desk, someone walked over to me. It was Rinko, and before I knew it, my heart racing like crazy. What is this odd feeling?

"Good afternoon, (L/N)-san..." She shyly said. "Are you... on your break?"

"Hey, Rinko. Yeah, I'm on my break." I replied. "Are you taking a break as well?"

"Yeah, and... I was wondering... if you had a... moment to talk?" She asked. 

"Yeah, of course."

"Thank you... so much." 

And so, I spent the rest of my break getting to know Rinko better. It turns out, she was nice and easy to talk to. She told me about how she joined Roselia, and how she did their costumes, as well as being the student council president for Hanasakigawa. And as for me, I told her about my father disappeared on me and my mother, and how I was working at CiRCLE to pay half of the rent. Needless to say, Rinko was impressed. 

"Oh wow... you're doing this... to help your mom?" She asked. 

"Yeah... Even though my mom makes decent money, I feel like if I helped out with the rent, it'll make her life a lot easier." I replied. 

Rinko smiled at me. 

"I think... you did the right thing." She said. "And... having you work here is... very helpful."

"You think so?" 

She nodded. 

"I know so... and everyone in Roselia... is thankful for your help."

Hearing Rinko say all of that made me happy for real, and it felt good to know that Roselia was grateful for my assistance, especially Yukina and Sayo. Given how they act, I probably wouldn't have to hear it from them, but still... 

"Hey, Rinko, do you think you can do me a favor?" I asked.

"Umm, okay?"


Location - Convenience Store

Lisa's POV

Phew, I only got 30 minutes left before I could go home for the day. I felt bad knowing that I can't join the others for rehearsals, but my boss did say that she needed my help, and it was hard to say no. Thankfully Yukina and the others were very understanding.

As I waited for my shift to end, someone walked into the store, and my heart skip a beat by who it was.

"Good evening, Lisa."

"(Y/N)?! What are you doing here?!"

"I heard you couldn't come to practice with Roselia today, so I thought I'd come down here and check on you."

He wanted to check on me? How sweet of him.

"Aww, thanks (Y/N). But yeah, I'm doing much better knowing that my shift will be over soon." I told him and smiled.

"That's good."

"By the way, how did you know where to find me?" I asked as I raised an eyebrow, because I know I didn't tell him about my part-time job.

"I might've asked Rinko when I spoke to her earlier."

"Rinko, huh? I see."

Looks like (Y/N) is starting to bond with Rinko a little bit. I should be happy for the two of them, but... why does it break my heart so much?

"Well, I'll be done with work in 30 minutes. If you want, you can wait, and we can walk to my house together." I suggested.

He nodded.

"Sure. I'd be happy to wait for you."

Well, that made me feel better knowing that someone like (Y/N) will be walking me home, but the idea of him being close with Rinko... why am I bothered by it?

To be continued

A/N: Thank you so much for reading this chapter. I hope you guys liked it and I'll see you in the next one. :)

Shout-out to GokaiKeyBlade02 for becoming a recent follower.

What Destiny Awaits [BanG Dream x Male Reader]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt