Chapter 8 - Business As Usual

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[Word count - 643]

The next day...

Location - Live House CiRCLE, Lobby

Your POV

It is now a brand new day, and this time, it is Afterglow's turn to use the studio room. As always, I made sure that the room was ready for them to use, and once the girls showed up after school, I made sure to greet everyone.

"Good afternoon, girls." I said, greeting them.

"Good afternoon." Moca said with a wave.

"Hey. I take it the studio room is ready for us to use?" Ran asked softly.

"That's right." I replied.

"Awesome! Lets practice hard, everyone!" Himari said, and then... "Hey, Hey, Hoh!"

The room is now filled with silence as we looked at Himari awkwardly. What kind of a chant was that? The bassist was embarrassed and threw a fit.

"Oh, come on! Why didn't you guys do it with me?!" She asked.

"Well, umm..." Tomoe began.

"It's kind of embarrassing." Ran finished.

"What?! Embarrassing?! But we've been doing this chant for a while!" Himari said.

"Well, yeah, but..." 

"Don't worry, Himari-chan!" Tsugumi said. "I'll do with you... umm... Hey, Hey, Hoh!"  

I guess it was nice of Tsugumi to do that... chant with Himari, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out that she was faking it, and Himari could see it as well. 

"I appreciate it, Tsugu, but that's not making me feel better..." The sad Himari said. 


"Come on, everyone." Ran began. "Let's move on from this and go practice." 

"Sounds good to me!" Moca said.

An hour later...

Location - Live House CiRCLE, Cafe

An hour after Afterglow came to CiRCLE, I clocked out for my break. I decided to head to the CiRCLE cafe outside. I heard they threw in a new dessert on the menu, so I decided to try it out. It was a chocolate lava cake, and I have been looking forward to it since I first heard about it.

After getting the cake, I went to one of the tables outside, and began eating the cake. While eating, though, two girls from Afterglow walked over to me. It was Ran and Tomoe.

"Ah, (Y/N), there you are." Tomoe said.

"Hey, girls, do you need me for something?" I asked.

"Well, yeah, but..." Ran started. "You're taking your break, right?"

"Yeah, I am, but you're more than welcome to join me if you want to." I said.

"Well, if you say so."

Ran and Tomoe sat down at the same table as me. And like how it was with Rinko, I began to learn more about Afterglow, as well as Ran's and Tomoe's personal life. They were curious about my personal life as well, but they were surprised when I told them about my current living situation.

"So, your father disappeared on you and your mom, huh?" Ran asked.

"Yeah, it's true." I replied. "Sure, it does hurt, but it is what it is, you know?"

"I guess, but... I'd be mad if my father disappeared." Tomoe said.

"Yeah, same here." Ran added.

Usually I would be uncomfortable talking about something like this, but with girls, I feel like I can open up and talk to them about anything.

"But don't worry, (Y/N), even though your father is gone, you still have us, right?" Tomoe said with an assuring smile.

"Yeah, you're right." I smiled back. "Thanks you two."

"Yeah... no problem." The blushing Ran chimed in.

After a while, I finished my chocolate lava cake, and while my break came to an end, Ran and Tomoe made their way back to the studio room to join the other girls from Afterglow. Now it's back to business as usual, huh?

To be continued

A/N: Thank you so much for reading this chapter. I hope you guys liked it and I'll see you in the next one. :)

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