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Woe is the loneliest number

"How do you lose him in a bathroom with no windows?" Wednesday snapped quietly at Thing as he cowered behind a plant in Ms. Thornhill's class. Scarlett cuffed the bottom of her jeans as she stood back up, leaning her head on Wednesday's shoulder. Thing shrugged, tapping against the desk. "A lefty wouldn't have failed me." Thing shrunk back. The goth girl tilted her head. "Don't sulk." Scarlett smiled, giving Thing a small tap on his back.

"We're going to have to find new evidence ourselves, since you lost our only lead." Wednesday stated as Bianca and her friends stared at the two girls who looked like they were talking to a plant.

"I see you finally made a friend. A real friend." Bianca corrected when she glanced at Scarlett who chuckled dryly, leaning up against the table with her fangs popping out slightly. "Even if it is a plant."

"I go for quality over quantity." Wednesday countered, Bianca rolling her eyes as she walked away. The black-haired girl grabbed Scarlett's wrist again, dragging her to sit next to her. Wednesday stay between her and Xavier who was sketching out a spider. He held his hand up and the spider slowly came out of the page, crawling.

"I doubt Wednesday is impressed by your tricks, Mr. Thorpe." Ms. Thornhill said knowingly as everyone turned their heads toward them. Scarlett made eye contact with Wednesday.

"Admit it, you're a little impressed." He smirked a little cockily. Wednesday stared at Scarlett the whole time as she lifted her hand up, smacking it on top of the spider that turned to dust. Scarlett blushed at the intense eye contact.

Xavier sighed, disappointed, as he shut his sketchbook closed.

"Wednesday, we're thrilled to have you join us on our journey into the world of carnivorous plants." Ms. Thornhill introduced as she made her way around her desk, standing in front of it. Scarlett just sat there, unamused.

Plants. Dirt. Ugh she hated that.

"Who can tell us the name of this beauty?" The teacher asked, holding out a hand towards the white flower in a giant glass case. When Ms. Thornhill turned around, nodding to Bianca who had her hand raised.

Bianca opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by Wednesday. "Dendropylax lindenii." Scarlett looked at her with an impressed grin on her face that Bianca glared at.

"Otherwise known as the ghost orchid." Bianca continued, lowering her hand as looked towards Ms. Thornhill.

"First discovered on the Isle of Wight in 1854." Wednesday said and didn't even spare a glance at the siren who looked over at her with disgust and disbelief. Ms. Thornhill sure seemed impressed.

"Very good, Wednesday."

"Yeah, nice job, sweetheart." Scarlett whispered in the goth girl's ear, smiling slyly at her as Wednesday looked up at her, her eyes sparkling.

"Looks you may have competition for first chair, Bianca." Ms. Thornhill said to the girl as some students snickered around her. Bianca's glare returned, settling on the two girls next to Xavier. "Wednesday, perhaps you can identify the ghost orchid's greatest qualities."

Bianca looked over to the raven-haired girl with an expected look. Scarlett just shrugged as Wednesday spoke, "Resilience and adaptability. It's able to thrive in even the most hostile environments."

"But it's mere presence can change the ecosystem, causing the established plants to reject it." Bianca countered.

"Usually because the native species allowed to thrive unchecked." Wednesday snapped as her black eyes stared at Bianca. "Nothing a weedwacker couldn't fix."

"You can most certainly try." Bianca replied a few seconds later and soon Xavier, annoyingly, cut in.

"Are we still talking about flowers?" That earned a laugh from around the room except for Wednesday who glared at Bianca, while Scarlett watched the goth girl, her mind blocking everything else and focusing on her.

"Thank you, ladies, for those illuminating insights." Ms. Thornhill awkwardly cut in. "Clearly the plants aren't the only carnivores in class today." Scarlett snickered, a small smile on her lips when she felt Wednesday hook her pinkie onto hers.


Scarlett sat in Wednesday and Enid's dorm room, flipping through magazines on the blonde girl's bed. Scarlett had her feet kicked up on the headboard, laying on her back as she held up the magazine above her.

Soon they heard the door open, revealing Wednesday Addams walking inside. She walked over to the bed, tilting her head at Thing.

Scarlett knew why she was here.

"I snapped at you. I'll check my tone in the future." Wednesday answers emotionless. "Now chop-chop, before all our leads turn cold." She turned around, going to walk away but when Thing stayed, flipping the page, she stopped. Scarlett set her own magazine down, sitting up on the edge of the bed as she looked at Wednesday knowingly when she turned around.

"What is that you want? Hand cream? Nail buffer? New cuticle scissors? Consider it done." Wednesday said and Thing shut the magazine, tossing it aside.

"Bribing won't work." Scarlett jumped in, and Thing pointed to her in agreement. Wednesday gazed at the vampire for a moment before turning to the hand. Thing tapped his fingers against the sheets as Wednesday sighed, looking at the ground before taking a seat next to Scarlett, looking at Thing.

Thing started signing to her. "I know I'm stubborn, single-minded; and obsessive. But those are all traits of great writers." The goth girl explained and Thing intimidated guns. "Yes. And serial killers. What's your point?" He started singing again to the girl. "I have nothing to get off my chest, and I'm not submitting to your emotional blackmail." Wednesday denied and when Thing tapped his fingers expectingly, Scarlett leaned over.

"Go for it." She whispered and Wednesday glanced at her before sighing once again, looking at Thing.

"Fine." She reluctantly gave in, pulling out the picture Rowan had. "When Rowan showed me this, it confirmed my greatest fear." When the goth girl spoke, Scarlett readjusted herself, sitting in the chair next to the bed and focusing her attention onto Wednesday, like Thing was. Wednesday set the paper down in front of the hand, letting him inspect it. "That I'm going to be responsible for something terrible. Not good terrible, like Ivan. Bad terrible. And I can't let that happen."

"That's why I need to find out the truth." Wednesday spoke and Thing tapped her hand, petting it comfortingly. "Breathe a word of this to anyone and I will end you." Thing slowly took himself off her hand while Wednesday looked over to Scarlett. "You too, bloodsucker. I'll find a way to kill you."

"I'd like to see you try." Scarlett winked as a smirk tugged at her lips. Wednesday smiled very slightly, but it was noticeable to her and Thing. "So... what's the plan, sweetheart?"

I'm back bitchesssss
What's up my beautiful people? We got another chapter for our lovely Wednesday book :)

Basing off of what I've written so far... I kinda want Wednesday and Scarlett. Anyone else? ✋🏻

Unexpected Love | Wednesday Addamsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن