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Be nice

Scarlett smiled as she walked alongside her best friend. Enid zipped up the taller girl's bag after putting her pack of cigarettes in there. "I honestly don't even know why you smoke." The blonde sighed, walking up to her as she turned her head, reading her face. The curly haired girl glanced at her through the corner of her eye before licking her lips.

"I just do." She shrugged and Enid kept quiet before she reached her dorm. "Hey, you mind if I come in with you?" Enid's smile immediately took place back on her face as she nodded eagerly, opening up the door to reveal a certain black-haired girl who was crouched down next to the window in the center of the room, carving off the colorful wrap.

"What the hell did you do to my room?" Enid snapped and Scarlett felt the tension settle in. Wednesday glanced back at the blonde, ignoring her for a moment to look at Scarlett who waved with a smile, leaning against the wall near the door.

"Dividing our room, equally." The blunt girl answered, standing up and kicking aside the colorful paper to Enid's side of the room. "It looks like a rainbow vomited on your side." Now don't get Scarlett wrong, she loved Enid but she had to agree with Wednesday that it was way too much color. She, herself, preferred black.

"I-" Enid tried to talk, her anger bubbling up inside of the pit of her stomach but Wednesday interrupted her with a snappy, emotionless tone.

"Silence would be appreciated. This is my writing time." Said girl rolled up her sleeves as she sat down in front of her type writer.

"Your writing time?" Enid and Scarlett both questioned but Scarlett was the only one who's voice gained the attention of Wednesday.

"I devote an hour a day to my novel. Perhaps if you did the same, your vlog might be coherent." Wednesday pushed over the type writer as she continued to deadpan the blonde girl, Scarlett walked over and wrapped her arm around her shoulders, offering a small smile. "I've read serial killers diaries with better punctuation."

"Be nice, Addams." Scarlett said, raising a brow as Wednesday turned around, ignoring the lump that formed in her throat from the honey like tone in the curly haired girls voice.

"I write in my voice!" Enid exclaimed, feeling so many emotions at once as she broke off the staring contest happening between the other two girls. "It's my truth. Its what my followers love."

"Your followers are clearly imbeciles." Wednesday blunted, standing up as she walked towards the two girls on the other side. "They respond to your stories with insipid little pictures."

"You mean emojis?" Scarlett smirked, holding back a laugh as Wednesday glanced over to her, checking her out for one quick second before Enid spoke up.

"It's how people express their feelings. I realize that's a foreign concept to you." The blonde clapped back and Scarlett could feel the tension settling in even deeper then before.

Wednesday stated at her with a cold glare and said in a blunt tone. "When I look at you, the following emojis come to mind. Rope, shovel, hole."

"Okay!" The vampire intercepted, putting some more distance between the two as she sent Wednesday a warning look to which the black-haired girls face softened to before her cold expression returned once again. Wednesday walked away and Scarlett removed her hands off of both girls shoulders.

"By the way, there are two D's in Addams. If you're going to gossip about me, at least spell my name correctly." Wednesday stated and Scarlett took this as her cue to leave. She grabbed her bag, giving Enid a sympathetic expression before walking over to Wednesday and leaning down to whisper in her ear.

"Play nice." The cold girl immediately felt chills covering her body as a shiver went down her spine. "And try not to kill her, okay?"

"No promises." Wednesday whispered, looking up to see their faces inches away before Scarlett gave her a small smirk, winking at her as she walked out the girls dorm.

God that girl... Wednesday thought to herself as she was brought back to the argument between her and Enid, her mind still drifting off of the light-skinned girl.


Can't wait for the next one, y'all. It's gonna be a little more longer, hopefully :)

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