Chapter 24 - Curious

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Felix's POV

The elevator ride to the lobby felt unusually long when I couldn't cut it short by making out with Hyunjin. I was thinking about what to do with the evening, because I didn't want to go home and drown in my bad mood. I kept telling myself that I should feel fine because it's nothing. It's all about sex. I'll take a weekend off. Before Hyunjin became my friend with benefits, I lived like this for quite a while. So why did I find it so depressing now?

I realized that I told Hyunjin that I already had some plans. I lied.

But luckily, I thought of making some while in the elevator. Didn't Chris say they were going to be celebrating some Changbin's business achievement this weekend? An evening spent with them now felt like a release from this series of unfortunate events. I didn't hesitate and dialed Chris's number.

"Lix? What's up?" Judging by the noise behind his voice, he was probably in some bar.

"Hi, I wanted to ask if you're still celebrating somewhere?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, um, can I join?" I knew Chris wasn't going to turn me down, but I had a feeling he was going to poke fun at me. And indeed, he did.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? Trouble in paradise?" He asked sarcastically and I could perfectly imagine his cheeky smile.

"Something like that." I admitted annoyed as I remembered a smiling Jeongin who was actually not to blame. He was quite nice. To the point that I was amazed how he could be from the same family as Hyunjin. "So can I come?" I asked again when he didn't answer.

"Hey guys can Felix come!?" Chris yelled to the others on his side of the phone, and I almost went deaf. At least I thought of putting the phone away from my ear just in time because the loud duo of Changbin and Jisung took over the call.

"Come on jagiya! I'm waiting here for you!" I heard Jisung and a smacking sound like he was sending me a kiss.

"No, tonight is my night! I'm waiting for you Yongbok!!!" Changbin yelled and I heard everyone start telling him to calm down.

I smiled because I knew that if everyone was in this mood, they will surely cheer me up. Chris laughingly told me that they were at a barbecue bar not far from his apartment, so I found the nearest public transport and continued my way.

Hyunjin's POV

"Are you sure I didn't spoil your plans, hyung?" Jeongin asked me for the nth time as he pressed the 'rematch' button after he crushed me in Mortal Kombat. It was because, unlike me, he had a lot of experience in gaming, I only turned on the game console when he was visiting me.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Felix really just came by because of work." I answered him with my newly learned lie.

"Okay, but you'd tell me if I did, wouldn't you?" He assured himself again, this time tearing his gaze away from the television to check my expression briefly.

I let out a long sigh. Jeongin must have thought it was because I was tired of telling him the same thing over and over again, but my sigh was more out of desperation because Jeongin kept reminding me.

"Yeah, don't worry. He had some plans." I gave him an encouraging smile, hoping that would be enough for him. Jeongin nodded and continued to press all the buttons on the controller to throw the best combos at me. I tried to block him, but my thoughts weren't here in this moment. My thoughts drifted to the freckled creature that was now roaming the streets of Seoul by itself somewhere.

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