Chapter 19 - Mine

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Felix's POV

I blindly agreed to Hyunjin's suggestion to spend the night at his place and now that he had his hands on the wheel and couldn't touch me, I could think a little more clearly. I was getting nervous. I'm not ready. I need a shower after a long day, but I don't have any clothes to change into. Isn't it awkward to ask Hyunjin if I can use the shower right after we get to his place? What if he doesn't plan to sleep with me and I'll totally embarrass myself by the question? If he doesn't want to sleep with me, what are we going to do? What are we going to talk about? What does it look like at his place? What if he has some exotic pet? Maybe a spider or a snake? And what if he'll make me sleep in the same room with them? Ew.

"Felix?" He called my name and stroked my cheek gently. The car was already parked in the underground garage.

"Huh?" I tried to look casual and completely at ease. As if I hadn't just spent the last few minutes thinking up all the possible scenarios.

"We're here. Are you okay?" He asked me with audible concern in his voice. I didn't want him to think I was some kind of coward. Not after I managed to impress him with my views on selling that penthouse. For a moment it seemed to me that we were equal. That we're not a super successful CEO Hyunjin and Felix the loser.

"Of course, shouldn't I?" I tried to act indifferently, but still, judging by Hyunjin's smirk, I felt like he was seeing through it. Even before I unbuckled my seat belt, Hyunjin managed to go around the car and open the door for me in a gentlemanly manner. When I got out of the car, I took a quick look at him. He looked so good. Even though he was tired after work, the dark circles under his eyes looked like a fashion accessory. He really looked good all the time. But unlike him, I didn't feel so confident.

In the garages, we entered a similar elevator as the previous property had and Hyunjin also pressed the button for the top floor. I checked to see if there was a camera in the elevator as well, and when I found out that there was, I was able to relax a little. He won't try anything. Nevertheless, the atmosphere was very tense.

"You're such a detective." Hyunjin shook his head in amusement when he noticed where I was looking.

"Do you live in something similar to the penthouse?" I pointed to the button for the top floor.

"I said I knew people who could afford it. I am one of them." He pointed a finger at himself.


"And since I'm at home here, I don't care about my business image. My privacy is secured here." He nodded to the camera in the corner of the elevator. "If I wanted to, I could take off my clothes right now."

My throat went dry. The image of Hyunjin slowly undressing in front of me with his bedroom eyes fixed on me filled my mind.

"Don't worry, that's a show for later." He winked at me, his playful smile still on his face.

We got off the elevator on the top floor. There was also a foyer, but thankfully no overpriced crystal chandelier. I mean, you could still tell that it was a luxury home that I will never own, but it didn't feel as tacky as the previous property.

I followed Hyunjin to the door of his apartment with a shuffling step, and I thought my heart was pounding so loud that he must hear it. When he was opening the door, it felt like he was throwing a grenade. I was afraid of what would come after that. Even though I kissed Hyunjin a bunch of times and wanted him to go further, it felt different now. I knew he wanted to go further. He's not running anywhere this time. I'm going to his place. My breath was shortening.

I found myself in the dark with Hyunjin as soon as he closed the apartment door behind us. I wasn't breathing now because I didn't know what was coming. I felt Hyunjin's body come closer to me. I could feel the warmth radiating from him and feel his soft breath on my cheek. He was close.

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