Chapter 17 - Honest opinion

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Hyunjin's POV

Lee Felix (dinner)

I already told you that it depends on who I'm with

Not where I am and what we are doing

When you're with the right person, it doesn't matter

Sent 3:17 p.m

I hypnotized the new message notifications that were delivered unusually late. Not that I check my phone every few minutes. I was busy. Or at least I tried to be when he wasn't answering me. I realized that I keep staring at my phone screen and I'm on the last meeting of the week and I should be paying attention as the CEO. Especially when the realtors show me their weekly results.

"So, let's sum it up, did you really only manage to sell two properties this week?" I interrupted one of the realtors. The meeting room was eerily quiet. I looked at the results in front of me, which I was really not happy with. Maybe I wasn't paying 100% attention to my work after all, and this is how it turned out.

"And those two properties were sold by our rookie Seungmin." With those words, I looked at the boy who looked like a puppy. I was proud of him, at least someone here still takes the job seriously. Jeongin recommended his friend to me well. "Which means he does something better than the rest of you. I don't care you've been around for a while; you all should learn something from him."

I heard someone snort. It was Beomseok. That old guy should be glad he still has a job. I saved his tiny real estate agency by buying it and giving him job in my agency.

"Do you have any comments?" I asked him coldly.

"I mean, it's just a beginner's luck. Everyone knows that. He got the easiest deals." He laughed nervously and pointed at Seungmin.

"Let's see, Seungmin managed to sell two apartments in Hongdae, in a quite busy and noisy area. One of them before the renovation. You, Beomseok, were supposed to sell the renovated apartment in Gangnam. So, where's the problem?" I supported my chin with my hands and continued to glare at him. Does he want to play a big boss here? As he wants.

"I... Well... It's just too expensive. I have a buyer! But he wants to haggle on the price!" A few drops of sweat were glistening on his forehead.

"In that case, you have a few options, either you can defend the price with several arguments, find another buyer or ask me if you can lower the price. I have not received any such request. I'd expect more than excuses from a guy with ten years of experience." I shut him up and slammed my laptop shut. I already had a headache.

"That goes for everyone. We are still one company; the results will affect us all. If you have a problem with the sale, talk to a colleague, help each other. Choose different strategies. And if it doesn't work or the client has a special request, come to me. I expect better results next week. Have a nice weekend." I ended our meeting and was the first to leave.

I packed my things in my bag in the office and thought about how to improve our results. We can't afford losses now; we bought a whole new apartment complex. What did I do wrong? Maybe I'm not motivating them enough? It's true that my mind has been somewhere else lately. Specifically with Felix's wet pants. Have I lost my mind? Since when are these flings of mine more important than my work?

Remembering Felix, I realized that I hadn't texted him back yet. But he didn't give me any hint of what he wanted to do. I didn't like always having to come up with something when he didn't give me anything to work with. And honestly, I had other worries now. I'm tired today. I was already planning to text Felix saying we'd put it off until he had a more specific answer, but I was interrupted by a knock on the door.

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