Chapter 2 - Dinner

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Hyunjin's POV

I watched as the young boy settled into the chair across the table and pulled out some documents from his leather bag.

"Mr. Kang, I know you dealt with Mr. Bang, but he entrusted me to complete the contract with you." He called me by the wrong name again. He tried to look professional, but I could tell from the first few seconds that he wasn't doing this for long.

So, I decided to play around with him a bit.

"I understand, but I actually wanted to discuss with Mr. Bang the fact that the details of the contract are not entirely clear to me, could you explain to me what this all means for me?" I asked him with icy calmness, noticing how it surprised him.

"Um... Yeah... I mean, of course." He muttered and looked at the prepared contract himself, which he was surely reading for the first time here. "Well... Um... As you know... Our company specializes in providing a repertoire of services for real estate agencies. We are under the impression that... That your company is the right one that would stand out in the package of services that we would be able to provide to our clients. It would mean more clientele for you and of course a portion of the commission." He stammered and cleared his throat between sentences. His body language was sending me signals that he was very nervous and didn't want to be here.

"What if I'm happy with my clientele how it is because not only, I get a full commission but get paid directly from the client?" I hit him with another insidious question.

Mr. Lee Felix turned pale all over. His gaze was still fixed on the contract, and then he finally looked up and looked into my eyes for the first time.

I didn't break eye contact, on the contrary, I returned it and thought how his dark brown eyes contrast nicely with his light hair. I have to leave this to JYP services, they sent a really handsome employee.

"I-I think it's a great opportunity for you anyway. The clientele will expand, and you will also receive a commission from us in addition to your earnings. You have nothing to lose." He continued to persuade me. Oh god, this guy could do only teleshopping, where they just keep repeating the same information you don't care about. It absolutely cannot create the need in the customer that would compel him to buy the product.

"I don't? What if I don't have the capacity to take on a larger clientele?" With those words, I leaned forward and supported my chin with my hands. For a brief moment it seemed to me that even Mr. Lee was curiously examining my face. He then looked down and didn't answer for a long time.

Has he given up yet?

"I... I'm so sorry, Mr. Kang... I just don't quite understand. Mr. Bang informed me that you have already discussed everything together and it will be purely about signing the contract." He informed me straight. It was like a breath of fresh air. Not everyone will admit their insecurities to you.

"Mr. Lee, did you do your homework before you came here?" I gave him a playful smile.

"Homework?" He repeated after me in confusion, furrowing his brows and pouting his lips. He looked like a confused chick.

"Mhm. Homework. Did you research anything about this company and about me?'

"Yes, the company was founded in 2008, right after..." I couldn't take it anymore and had to start laughing. In 2008, I was still a happy child. Mr. Lee paused; his puzzled expression now irritated. He was perhaps even cuter than before.

"Okay, that's enough. You probably had old information, Mr. Lee. Mr. Kang sold the company late last month. I honestly feel quite offended that you think I look his age." I finally told him the truth and it was like his soul left his body.

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