chspter six-"Im going back"

Start from the beginning

When I felt something behind me I looked quickly but it was just Amy and Andrea I looked up at them then back at the walker everyone walked closer slightly rasing there weapons I stayed ware I was however when the walker started ro stand up

When he started making his way to dad dad didn't waist any more time before smacking the walker in the face Shane then wacked his back making the walker fall Glenn however wacked the walker in the face and they all started in on the walker

I looked away at the sight of it shaking my head the sound of a body being hacked can be heard I looked back over when Dale shopped off the walkers head Glenn stepped back hand on his cap Glenn looked back at me to make sure I was okay

"It's the first one we've had up here they never come this far up the mountain"I looked down at the walker with discussed"well they're running put of food in the city that's why"Jim said holding a pitch fork

Shane sighed and rubbed his nose when another branch was snapped I gasped but it didn't take long for me to be faced with a back Glenn had jumped in front of Me I loved it when he did that but it made me feel week I slid to the side of him instead holding my pistol up

There were footprints getting closer stepping on a bunch of leaves I gasped when it was just Daryl"God damn it Daryl"I yelled but not to loud I sighed and lowered my gun"Son of a bitch"Daryl said getting closer to us

"That's my dear!"Glenn turned around and walked forward a little more before he turned back around and croched down hands on his knees"Look at it all Gnawed on by this"He kicked the dear"Filthy"another kick"Disease bearing"Another two kicks

"Motherless poxy Bastard!"Two more kicks to the dear why don't you try four more kicks not like it will do any good"Calm down son that's not helping"I looked away from Dale and leaned into Glenn"Im gonna go check on Carl"He grabed my forearm and nodded"allright

I turned around and tucked my gun back in its holster and started walking back into camp when I got there Carl ran up to me hugging me"Hey bud you okay"I asked rubbing his back"Lets go back over with mom"He nodded and pulled away

"Merle! Merle! Gets your ugly ass out here!"Daryl yelled walking into camp "I got us some squirrels let's stew em up"He put down his crossbow near a fire pit we had in the middle of camp  The others had followed Daryl"Daryl just slow up a bit"shane said putting his gun in his jeep

"I need to talk to you"I bit my lip knowing  this wasn't gonn be good"About what"I looked down at Carl"Hey bud why don't you go into the Rv and do your chores"He frowned but nodded and walked into the Rv

"About Merle"Shane said standing in front of him"there was A uh there was a problem in Atlanta"Mom leaned on the door of the Rv watching the scene like the rest of us"Daryl looked around at us before he looked back at shane

"He dead"Daryl asked starting to pace I slowly made my way over around Daryl passing him and now stood next to Glenn by Shane's jeep"Were not sure"I looked over at Glenn worry in my eyes

He shook his head and looked back up at Daryl and Shane"He either is or he ain't!"Daryl shoted I looked over at Dad who walked over towards Daryl"No easy way to say this so I'll just say it"Dad said standing there man does he look waired in white

"Who are you"Daryl asked looking my dad up and doen"Rick Grimes"Daryl shot his eyes towards me and rolled his eyes"Rick Grimes you got something you want to tell Me"Daryl said looking back over at dad

"Your brother was a danger to us all so I handcuffed him on a roof to a piece of metal"T-Dog who had come back from the woods with logs in his hand"He still there"Daryl turned around"Hold on"he twirled his hand around his head"Let me process this"

He turned to face my dad once more"your saying you handcuffed my brother to a roof and you left him there?!"I knew things were going to get bad"Yeah"Dad said noding I jumped back when Daryl threw his squirrels at dad

I grabed Glenn's arm when Shane nocked Daryl to the ground I gasped when Daryl pulled out his knife"Watch the knife"I yelled shaking my head Daryl got up and swung the knife in my dad direction dad however dodged it with ease

Shane grabed Daryl from being and dad grabed the knife from hom as Daryl grunted"You best let me go!"Daryl yelled trying to get away from uncle Shane"nah I think it's better if I don't"Daryl was practically sitting on the ground at this point

"Choke holds illegal"I don't think it matters anymore"you can file a complaint"Glenn looked over at me then back at the scenes Come on man well keep this up all day"Daryl was whimpering and I understand because if someone left Carl on a roof I would beat the ass put of anyone who did it

Dad croched down to eye leave with Daryl"Id like to have a calm discussion on this topic do you think we can manage that do you think we can manage that"I kinda felt bad for Daryl he loved his brother we might not of but he did

Daryl nodded so Shane let him go making him fall to the ground Daryl pointed at shane"What I did was not on a whim your brother does not work and play well with others"Dad told Daryl

"It's not Ricks fault I Had the key I dropped it"I rolled my eyes didn't Glenn last night say its not a competition"you couldn't pick it up!"Daryl shoted still on the ground

"Well I dropped it in a drain"Daryl scoffed and looked down he got up seconds latter"If it's supposed to make me feel better it don't"Daryl said throwing a rock at T a small one Daryl walked past Him"Well maybe this will look I changed the door to the roof so the geeks couldn't get at him with a padlock"

Merle hast to be thirsty I'm more afraid of what's going to happen when the free second Dixon"Its got to count for something"Dad was always good at dealing with people like Daryl its why he became a cop

Daryl sniffed and rubbed his eyes"hell with yall! Just tell me where he is so's I can go get him l"Daryl said throwing his arm up"Hell show you isn't that right"Mom said looking at Dad

"I'm going back"My face went pale I didn't want him to leave again not after we thought he was dead Shane and everyone went there opposite directions I looked over at Glenn"You know I'm going right"He sighed but nodded"I know can you promise to stay close to me or your dad"

I smiled and nodded"I can do that love let's go get ready"He nodded and we walked towards are tent hand in hand

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