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Felix Valentine knew my secret.
And he was perfectly okay with it.
It was like those nerves I felt around him, vanished in an instant.
Because I didn't have to hide that part of me around him.
I didn't have to act like everything about me was normal.
And that made breathing a little more easier.

I laid on my side facing Felix who laid there, staring as my head tilted looking at the other.

"Why did you imprint on me?" I asked him.
Felix mimicked me by tilting his head as well now.
"It was an over protective instinct, that vampire was causing problems for you and your friend, and something clicked the moment our eyes made contact. I know it's rushing things, but I felt like I had to have you and that no one else deserved someone like you." He explained to me.

My face grew warm as I looked at him.
"Someone like me?" I repeated.
Felix smiled softly.
"Someone super cool who thought they had to hide who they were, all because they had a neat ability." He told me.
I blushed laying there before sitting up as I brought my knees to my chest, Felix continued to lay there watching me.

"My late mother and abusive father would disagree, my mom saw me as this monster and my dad saw me as a weapon he could use against people." I squeezed my knees tighter as my brows knitted now.
"My mom tried killing me multiple times, she thought she was saving me." I let out a quiet but soft laugh as the tears threatened to burn at my eyes.
"But in truth, I think she was only trying to save herself from all the grief of having me." I whispered.

Felix sat up now, his brows were furrowed.
"You think she was grieving over having someone like you?"
I looked at him.
"I know she was, there was never a pleasant memory of my parents before my new ones saved me, they were constantly fighting.. my mom was slowly losing her mind, my dad only wanted me because he saw me as someone who could kill others just from a strike of lightning.. deep down? It terrified me, I was never a son to them." My brows knitted.
"I was just this object that was either too broken to be fixed or too young to know how to control their gift.. at times, I wouldn't even call this ability a gift, but maybe a curse." I looked at Felix.

"If I get moody, clouds appear. If I'm scared, it starts to storm, if I'm angry the sky roars.." The tears slipped sitting there.
"If I feel confused, the lightning shows up and that's what scares me the most, because any time I hear it? I hear my dads belt coming off." I told the other as more tears fell.

Felix moved and with no warning, his arms were wrapping around me.
"I'm sorry, Leif." He whispered against me.
"No one should go through that kind of hell, no one." He pulled back looking at me as his thumbs brushed underneath my eyes.
"But I'm here now, so I can protect you from those kind of demons." He told me.

I stared but smiled softly.
"Do you really think I'm worth that kind of grief?"
"You are no kind of grief to me, and I'm sure your parents and siblings would agree-"

"He's right."
We both froze looking to the door where my papa stood, his arms crossed looking at the two of us.
I know I said all those nerves vanished, but I lied.

I blushed from the position the two of us were in as my eyes fell on the adult in the room.

"P-Papa, hi." I greeted the other.
Papa studied me before smirking softly as his brow raised looking at us.
"No one in this house has heard you talk this much, and suddenly those nerves are back?" He was teasing me as my face darkened.

"I-It's just that-"
"He imprinted on you, I know, and now you feel comfortable with the other. That's good though, I want someone to bring that out in you." Papa leaned against the door with his arms crossed, smiling softly at me now.
"It's nice, instead of us worrying about you completely shutting everyone out, I honestly don't think anyone would have fit you better than this boy here." He told me as my eyes slightly widened.

"You don't think we're rushing things?"
Papa scoffed standing there.
"Kiddo, I met your dad during the first blood moon and the two of us were in love that same night, it just took a week to make him officially mine." He shrugged.

Felix looked at him.
"A week?" He repeated.
Papa smirked softly.
"His dad's side of the family was a bit more problematic in the beginning, but they eventually settled. Ace Ellison was the main issue who wanted us destroyed." He explained.

My brows knitted.
"W-Who is Ace Ellison?"

"A dead man."
We looked past papa and to my dad who stood there holding Stormy.
His eyes fell on papa then onto me and Felix.

"Someone you should definitely not worry your head over ever thinking about." He handed Stormy to the other parent before looking back at me.

"I came to check on you, but I see your papa beat me to it." He said now.
Papa glanced to the other.
"I sure did and I also got to hear this one saying more than one word at a time, it was pretty rare." He joked.

I blushed sitting there.
Dad looked to him.
"If you have time to tease our son, you have time to change your daughter." He smiled as papa groaned.
"I hate this part of the job-"
"No you don't." Dad argued.
"You're right, I don't." Papa grinned kissing his mate before stepping out of the room while baby talking to Stormy.

Dad walked further into the room now, smiling softly at the two of us.

"How are you feeling?" He asked me.
I blinked looking to Felix then to my dad.
"O-Oh, better.. I'm sorry if I scared you-"
"You did, but there hasn't been one kid in this house who hasn't scared me more than once." Dad told me.
I looked at him confused.
"Who else has scared you?" I questioned.

Dad blinked but smiled softly.
"I like this side of you where you actually talk and ask things, it's nice, but so far it's only been Iggy and Quin." He answered.

My brows knitted.
"Those two..? I really thought it would have been-"
"Jinx?" Dad grinned as I blushed but nodded.
Dad smiled.
"Surprisingly enough, he hasn't done anything that's startled me as bad as those two. I should probably knock on wood or something before I jinx it." He said walking up to me before his hand fell onto the side of my face.

"You promise you're okay though?" He asked.
I stared but nodded looking at him.
"I'm sorry for scaring you." I frowned.
He smiled softly caressing my cheek.
"Don't apologize baby, you can't help who you are or how powerful your ability is-"

"Dad." I cut him off before blushing as he stared at me.
"This storm wasn't caused by me." I told him.
Dad's brows furrowed.
"Are you sure?"
I nodded nibbling my lip.
"I can always feel it when I know it's me, but this time it w-wasn't." I frowned at the other.

Dad frowned softly.
"So it's possible there's someone else like you?" I knew the question wasn't aimed at me, because he turned with a thinking expression and his brows were knitted together.
I watched him.

He paused and turned back to me.
"Sorry, it's nothing. Your papa is making roast for dinner," his eyes fell on Felix.
"Would you like to join us?" He offered.

Felix's eyes slightly widened but he nodded.
"Yes, thank you." He smiled.
Dad returned the smile looking at us.

"Good, keep it PG13 you two." He teased as my face caught fire when the other left the room.

I groaned falling back over on my side.

"Well your adoptive parents seem really cool." Felix commented.
I looked at the door then at Felix.
"They are pretty cool, and supportive.. I still have my moments where I have to adjust to them being so kind to me, but sometimes it's really hard." I found myself admitting.

Felix laid back down, joining me.
"You have scars Leif, it's going to take time for you to get over the life you used to live in, but I don't see your parents going anywhere. I don't know if you could feel it, but they're really protective over you." He told me.

I watched him before sighing softly as I nibbled my lip again.
"I know they are-"

My eyes back on the other before trying not to move as he moved closer to me, and in seconds.
His lips were on mine as my eyes grew wide feeling him deepening the kiss.
My brows knitted as his hand reached, his fingers brushing through my hair as he moved.
Hovering over me as my face burned like fire.
I felt his tongue demanding access as I moaned against the other.
He growled softly as the tears burned my eyes, his knee slipping between my legs pressing against me.

I was starting to feel weird as I reached and hooked my arms around the others neck, clinging to him as his free hand traveled underneath my shirt, gently wrapping itself around my neck as a small whimper escaped me laying underneath the other.

"Are you two creating a porno?"
"Man, that's crazy, and bold with the door open."

My face flushed a dark shade of red as Felix broke the kiss, looking to the door to find Quin there with his mate, Asher.
The two grinning deviously at the two of us.

"O-Oh my god." I jumped away from Felix not even realizing how caught up in the moment we were.

Quin only laughed in response.
"Chill, I'm not going to say anything to the parents, but next time?" He patted the door.
"Shutting and locking this does wonders, not to mention, saves you from that kind of embarrassment." He told us.

"It really looked like he was going to eat you." Asher commented looking at me as my face felt like it was going to melt off.

"W-What did you need, Quin?" I asked trying to change the subject.
"Oh! Nothing much, I just wanted to see how you were feeling, but seeming how that one's tongue was down your throat, and I'm only assuming this. I'm guessing you're feeling better?" Quin was grinning at me.

My hands were hiding my burning face as I managed a nod.
"Cool cool, glad to hear it, so just another tip before I leave the room and try to burn the image I have in my head from you two nearly, doing it." Quin walked over to us, handing me a credit card.

"This is the credit card we siblings share for a hotel when we want a moment with our partners." He smirked softly.
"Papa gave it to Iggy the moment he walked in on him and Lawless, never again is that allowed in this house, especially! When we have a sister and two baby sisters in this house. It's just a gut feeling, but hold onto that card in case you two decide to want another go at what Ash called, a porno." He grinned as I grabbed my pillow, slamming my face to it before nodding.

"T-Thank you." I managed to get out.
"No problem! We have to look out for each other when it comes to our needs, and you definitely don't want one of our parents finding you like we just did. Otherwise prepare for a full on lecture on why sex isn't allowed in this house." Quin grinned walking back to the bedroom door, looking over his shoulder to us.

"Oh, another thing. Dinner is done." Quin smirked leaving the room with his mate grinning as he waved us off.

I sat there forever with the pillow to my face.
"Leif's not here, he's in deeply embarrassed town." I cried.
"There's nothing to be embarrassed about, it's completely normal what we were doing." Felix told me.

"We almost had sex, Felix." I hissed at the other.
"But we didn't!" He argued grinning at me as I whined laying back on the bed.

"Come on, I'm sure you'll feel better after you eat." Felix said tugging at me to get up.
I frowned but nodded sitting up as I threw the pillow to the side getting out of the bed.

"Oh, um." Felix's eyes were on me but they weren't meeting my eyes.
"What is it?" I asked him.
Felix rubbed the side of his neck with an awkward smile.

"You can't go out there, with that." He pointed at my lower half, my eyes followed before my face molted red.


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