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"He's so cute." I whined laying on the couch later that night as my cousin Kirby Dodson walked into the room.
Her hands were cupping her coffee cup as her brow arched looking down at me, before crawling over the couch and took a seat, her knees to her chest with her blue eyes on me.

"Your little vampire interest?" She questioned.
I draped my arm over my eyes before nodding.
"Yes, at first I thought I made a mistake by imprinting on him, but earlier..." I removed my arm grinning softly.
"I won't go into detail-"
"Yeah, please don't." Kirby smirked softly watching me.

"You do know Fallon and Jason aren't a fan of what you've done, right?" She asked me.
I looked to her before nodding.
"Yes I know, Fallon keeps bitching about it and Jason keeps telling me I'm going to bring more drama into our lives by imprinting on the vampire." I said sitting up.

"What does Foxx think about all of this?" Kirby questioned.
"He likes Leif-"
"Ah, so he has a name?" Kirby grinned.
I smiled softly looking to her.
"Yes, he has a name, it would be weird if he didn't." I told her.

Kirby watched me.
"Do you really think things are going to work between the two of you?" She asked me.
I stared ahead for a moment before my eyes fell on the alpha.
"I do actually, he has scars, but I like him." I shrugged.
Kirby nodded.
"Well as long as you think things will work, that's good enough for me." She stood to her feet as my brow arched at the brunette.

"Where are you off to?" I asked.
Kirby looked to me.
"Out for a bit, I won't be gone long. When the timing feels right, you should invite Leif over, I'd like to meet him." She grinned stepping out of the house as I watched the other leave.

My head rested against the couch as my mind wandered off into thought.

"So Felix, do you have any siblings?"
My eyes fell from the bowl of roast to Leif's dad, Moxie, who was looking at me.
I shook my head looking at the other.
"No sir, only cousins." I answered as Moxie looked at me.
"Are your parents-"

"I'd rather not talk about them, if that's okay." I cut the other off and Moxie was quick to nod.
"Of course, I'm sorry for asking-"
"No, no it's fine." I smiled softly.
"They're just not worth the effort of even talking about." I told him.

Leif glanced to me shyly before taking a bite of the roast as he resumed eating.
Neither of us were able to leave the bedroom earlier, but that was my fault for coming onto him so strong.
Still though.
It ended with him being this adorable embarrassed mess.

"I understand that completely, what are your cousins like?" He questioned.
I stared but smiled softly.
"Between the five of us, Jason and Fallon who are both alphas, are a bit more on the strict side when it comes to who us three younger ones want to see. So when they found out I imprinted on your son, they weren't exactly supportive of the idea, but if I cared about their opinion I wouldn't be sitting here." I shrugged.

Moxie smiled softly.
"I appreciate how you think Felix, it's nice, not everyone supports a wolf and vampire together. Trust me, Magna and I went through that same issue when we first met." He told me.

I looked at him.
"Times were rougher back then?"
"Times were HELL back then." Magna chuckled sitting next to Moxie who smiled softly at him.
"But we made it work, it was a harsh reality, but the way I see it? If the two of you are truly made for each other, any kind of hell you face would be worth it, as long as you have the one you love by your side in the end." He smiled.

My eyes fell on Leif whose face was turning pink.
I knew I shouldn't tease him too much.
But he made it neatly impossible to not want to.

"I had a nice time tonight, like I said before, your parents are pretty cool." I said walking outside of the house with Leif who slowly followed behind me.
"I-I'm sorry they kept bombing you with questions." He responded as I walked up to the other.
"Nah, I liked answering them." I grinned as Leif looked up at me with knitted brows.

"F-Felix, about earlier-"
"That was my fault, so there's nothing for you to feel embarrassed about okay?" I reached gently caressing the others cheek who looked at me.
"Are you sure about this.. a-about me that is?" His voice was almost a whisper, as if he were still having doubts about who he was and who I wanted by my side.
It just made me smile softly looking down at him.

"Leif, look at me." I told him as the smaller teen flinched before I took his face, motioning for him to look at me.
"If I wasn't sure about this, I would never had imprinted on you, just like I wouldn't have came home with your brothers after you collapsed just to find out you were some pretty cool vampire. Trust me, I'm not going anywhere." I told the other, my lips gently pressing to his.

His cheeks were a bright red but he nodded looking away from me shyly.
"O-Okay, I'll see you tomorrow." He told me.
I blinked but smiled softly.
"Sounds good, goodnight Leif.
His face darkened before looking at me.
"Goodnight, Felix." He responded.

"Wipe that grin off your face, it's gross." I heard Foxx comment.
I blinked sitting up on the couch as my cousin entered the room, his hands were shoved into his jacket pocket.
"So? How did meeting the parents go? Were they as revolted as Jason and Fallon were when they found out that you imprinted on a vampire?" He asked me.

I watched the other before grinning softly.
"Considering Leif's parents are the oh so famous, Moxie and Magna Grimes. I really did not see them being revolted with the fact their son, who is a vampire is imprinted to an alpha." I told the other.
Foxx arched a brow.
"So those are his parents?" He questioned.
I nodded as Foxx watched me before shrugging.
"I guess you got lucky with that one." He grinned.

"Who got lucky with what?"
I looked over my shoulder as Jason Carter walked in, a towel around his waist as his blond hair dripped wet while his hazel eyes locked on the two of us.

Foxx's expression hardened seeing the other in the room.

"I got lucky with imprinting on that vampire." I answered with a shrug.
I watched Jason's eye twitch in response to that.
"We did not move here for you to chase after little vampires, you'll distance yourself from him so the imprint will vanish." Jason told me.

I grinned.
"Since when do I take orders from you, Jason?"
"Since you live under my roof and since I am the oldest." Jason growled as I got to my feet.
"You know how easily I can get my own place? I only moved into this house to keep the family together-"
"You say that yet you're choosing a fucking vampire over your own kind." Jason snarled.

"Not once did I say I was choosing him over you, I can choose both, it's you who decides who you choose to stay in your life. Not me." I responded.

Jason was growling.
"End it-"
"I said no." I growled back feeling the others pheromones trying to come out.

"Foxx, get out of here." I ordered as the teen let out an annoyed groan.
"Fanfuckingtastic, I swear alphas are the stupidest race between the two. You get so hot headed over ROMANCE." Foxx growled storming out of the room as Kirby walked back in but held a confused look.

"What's eating--whoa, what the hell is eating you two?" She asked frowning now.
"Felix refuses to stop seeing that vampire." Jason growled.
Kirby blinked.
"So?" Jason glared at the brunette.
"We didn't come here for him to ruin the bloodline, Kirby! Whose side are you on?" He glared.

Kirby shrugged.
"No one's actually, I really don't care who Felix sees as long as there's no drama brought to the table, he's happy so why does it matter on what you think?" She asked.
Jason's eyes grew wide standing there.
"Are you being serious right now?"
"As serious as Fallon is when it comes to what omega she sleeps with." Kirby yawned.

The pheromones vanished and Jason groaned in response to that.
"I'm living in a house full of freaks." He frowned.

"This was your choice, you can either get over what's reality, or you can fuck yourself right out the front door." I smiled at the alpha whose eyes were piercing me like daggers.

"If you were an omega--"
"What? You'd put me in my place? Please, I'm shaking." I rolled my eyes walking past the other but stopped at the archway.
I looked over my shoulder.

"I'm going to keep seeing him Jason, and there's nothing you can do that'll stop that from happening." I told the other before vanishing down the hall and into my room.

Letting out an annoyed groan I threw myself onto the bed and stared at the ceiling.
The only way I would stop seeing Leif is if he told me himself that we needed to stop seeing each other.
I had no intentions of being too much or not enough, I planned on loving him the way he deserved, even if it was one step at a time.
He was fragile and even someone like me, could understand that.

I stared at my phone wanting to call the other.
I wanted to hear his voice.
I wanted to hear him get flustered on the phone.
It was making me smile as I laid there, rolling over onto my stomach I pulled up the messages and stared before grinning.

[Me]: Hey.
I knew he wouldn't respond right away, especially since it took him half a day to message me.
I tossed my phone aside but my heart skipped hearing it ding.
I snatched it before smiling.
[Leif]: Hi.
I stared before thinking.
[Me]: Are you getting ready for bed?
[Leif]: Mhm, are you?
It was making me smile as I laid there.
[Me]: Already in bed, so I was thinking, would you like to walk to school together tomorrow?
[Leif]: Would that be a far walk for you?
[Me]: Nah, not really.
[Leif]: Then no.

I blinked as my brow arched.
[Me]: Why no?
[Leif]: I don't want you going out of your way to walk to my house then walk us to school.
I grinned now.
[Me]: That's what has you saying no?
[Leif]: Mhm.
[Me]: Well don't worry about that, I don't live far and would much rather walk anyway.
[Leif]: I don't know..
[Me]: No arguing, I'll be at your house about seven thirty, that'll give us enough time to walk to school.
[Leif]: Okay... in that case, I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight, Felix.
I smiled softly.
[Me]: Goodnight, Leif.

I yawned crawling underneath the covers and felt my eyes closing in a matter of seconds.

My eyes shot open the next morning to the sound of yelling but not just any yelling, Foxx was yelling, and he rarely raised his voice like that.
Especially when he was the only omega in the house.

Not even changing my clothes, I practically threw myself out of the room in nothing but my briefs and ran into the living room to find Jason pinning Foxx to the wall, and his pheromones were full on out.
It took me by surprise at first before I was running over there, ripping Jason off of Foxx.

"What the fuck is going on?" I demanded before noticing Foxx's black eye and busted lip.
My eyes widened in surprise before looking back at Jason whose cheek was bleeding from scratch marks.

"Foxx not knowing his place is what's going on, just because you register yourself as a feral omega, does not mean you can CHALLENGE an alpha." Jason growled harshly.
I turned to the other with furrowed brows.
"So you punched him?" I asked.
Jason's arms crossed.
"It's called asserting dominance-"

"It's called being a dick." Foxx spat bitterly.
I stepped between the two.
"Okay, we all know Foxx is feral, this is nothing new." I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"So what's the real issue?" I asked glaring in Jason's direction who glared back.
"There is no real issue yet, unless you'd like to make one, cousin." He stepped up, his chest hitting mine as I growled in response.

"You're not worth it, Jason, come on Foxx." I told the omega who glared in Jason's direction.

I stopped at the door looking to Jason who stood there glaring at me.
"If you don't end things with that vampire today, I want you out of this house." He told me.
I could only scoff in response.

"Trust me, house hunting is already at the top of my list." I said flipping the other off as we walked out.

I just needed to see Leif's face.
Everything would get better.
His innocent expressions worked miracles and that's exactly what I needed.

I knew the walk to his house would be awkward with Foxx, but the moment my eyes fell on that small framed vampire who stood outside his fence, his eyes glued to the sidewalk.
But the moment our eyes met?
All of those negative and angry thoughts vanished in seconds.

He was the one for me.
And I knew right then and there.

I was in love.


A Vampires Alpha  [BOOK FIVE]Where stories live. Discover now