Chapter 47: New adventure

Start from the beginning

He gently took my hand and kissed my palm. "I always believed we would, I told you we would get married and have children, and here we are."

I couldn't help but express my concerns. "But you're still associated with the mafia. What if they come after our children?"

Hunter's grip tightened, and he reassured me, "Even if I tried to dissociate myself from it, new enemies would emerge. But I promise you, our children will never be harmed because of that. I will protect all of you."

I gazed up at him, A smile played on my lips as I commented, "Fatherhood suits you perfectly. You grow more handsome with each passing day."

He was silent for a moment, then broke into a smile. "Really? Well, perhaps we should consider having more children to enhance my handsomeness even further," he teased, his desire evident as I felt his arousal inside me.

I chuckled, trying to keep things in perspective. "Hold on there, let's not get carried away. We agreed that three children would be enough, and it's almost 8 o'clock. We should take a shower and get dressed before our little ones start banging on the door."

we shared a knowing glance, understanding the delicate balance between our passionate love and the responsibilities of parenthood that awaited us beyond the bedroom door.

He paused.

He held me tightly then stood up.

"Wait" I called holding in to him tightly.

"There is no reason we can't kill two birds with out stone right. That way when you moan, the sounds will be blocked by the running water" he commented walking towards the bathroom.

He was walking slowly on purpose making sure each time he took a step his dick was plugged deep within me.


"Mummy, mummy, look! I drew you and daddy!" Luna, my now six-year-old, exclaimed excitedly, handing me a picture.

It was Saturday, which meant all the kids were home, and the house was filled with joyful chaos. I had gone to check on Luna when she surprised me with her artwork.

Luna had a real passion for drawing. She reminded me a lot of blue when she was young, and it made my mother particularly fond of her.

"Wow, it's so beautiful! Did you draw this all by yourself?" I asked, impressed by her talent.

She nodded proudly.

"You're really talented, sweetheart," I praised.

Luna rested her head on my lap, a silent request for some affection. I smiled warmly, knowing she wanted to be pampered. I gently stroked her head.

"Have you shown this to daddy yet?" I inquired.

"Daddy is helping Zane with his homework," she replied.

"And what about-" I began, but before I could finish, Enzo burst into the room.

His feet, hands, and face were covered in mud.

"Enzo, why did you come in without knocking? Look at your muddy feet! You've made a mess on my floor," Luna complained, her disapproval clear.

I stood up from Luna's bed and walked over to Enzo, getting down to his level to inspect his dirty state. His hand was behind his back, as if hiding something.

"Lorenzo, were you playing in the garden again? I thought I told you not to do that without shoes. Look at you, you're covered in dirt. Did you fall?" I asked, concerned.

He shook his head, denying any mishap.

"What are you hiding?" I probed gently.

He slowly revealed his hand, presenting a small flower.

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