he even asked jimin for you,, but he also gave him cold shoulder..

jungkook looked at jimin who nodded his head,,

After that yoongi dropped the next bomb..

Tae is not married,, heck he was not even engaged with aeri . Aeri herself went to his house and introduced herself as tae's girlfriend to his parents and it took a moment for rumours to spread,,

next day somehow everyone in university was talking about how taehyung and aeri got engaged..

Jungkook felt his heart drop,,

taehyung was not married,, all this time jungkook thought tae and aeri got married,, taehyung was alone...

Yoongi continued:

When taehyung came back after taehi's funeral he broked all connections with aeri,, he spent all his time in his office working..
he was all alone..

everyone supported you but no one gave him a hand when he was also suffering from a child loss,..

his parents also only blaimed him,,  taehi is his daughter too,, he is also hurt ,, yet he suffered alone..

he drowned himself in work..some time passed but suddenly he lost all his interest in work , he started smoking and drinking,,

he will not come home for days,, than he shifted to a new apartment cuz he doesn't wanted to make you uncomfortable if you ever visit kim mension..

that's when we came to know he has clinical depression,, a gasp left jimin and hoobi's mouth,, being from medical field they all know the meaning and consequences of clinical depression,,

his parents tried everything to pull him out of the darkness but nothing,, however like a miracle everything changed,, Rini came into our lives and changed our life's..

she became source of light in his darkness,, taehyung poured all his love and care on that child,,

taehyung's got her on taehi's death anniversary and she was only 2 days only,, it was like a sign from God who sent an taehi back in his life in form of taerin...

Jungkook was listening to everything with heavy heart..

but maybe God had not forgiven him,, just like you.. one night i got a call from hospital that taehyung got admitted,,

when I got there I came to know that taehyung had a cardiac arrest and he was in icu.. he was brought to the hospital on time otherwise he could have been dead..

doctor said his heart is getting weaker,, he needs rest physical, mental and emotional,, stress is like a poison for him..

he made me promise to not tell his parents,,they will not be able to bear that there 25 years old son had a heart attack at such a young age...

yoongi gazed directly in Jungkook's eyes,, he didn't dated anyone from the day you got separated,, heck he didn't even looked at anyone like that,,

aeri b*tch many time tried to seduce him,, but he shut down all her efforts harshly .. you know jungkook i always felt bad for you,, whatever happened with you was not right .

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