Chapter 29: The Eclatia Adventurers Guild

Start from the beginning

In this hall of adventurers, there was one figure who commanded a different kind of attention. The laughter and mockery seemed to subside in the wake of his presence. Goblin the Butcherer, now clad in his newly equipped full plate armor, stood as a symbol of formidable strength and experience. His reputation as a Diamondcrown adventurer preceded him, and his history of slaying goblins was well-known among the adventurer community.

Goblin the Butcherer was accompanied by his only ally, Aven the Seeker, who had learned to adapt to the harsh world of adventuring and had earned her place among her companions. Together, they represented a unique force, one that was respected for their skills and their contributions to the field, irrespective of the jokes that might have been made earlier.

As the room fell into a hushed state, filled with a mix of curiosity and anticipation, it became evident that there was more to Coward and his companions than met the eye, and they were prepared to prove it in the face of the impending Dungeon Surge.

But one of the young and naive adventurers who couldn't resist the opportunity to mock Goblin the Butcherer was a brash fellow named Roland, a newly promoted Diamondcrown adventurer. He wore his rank with a misplaced sense of superiority, believing that hunting and slaying goblins was beneath a "real" adventurer. He openly taunted Goblin the Butcherer, seeking to provoke a reaction.

 "Hey there, Goblin Butcherer! I heard you only got that fancy title because you're good at killing... what, goblins? Seriously? Aren't they like, the weakest monsters out there? You must have a real talent for beating up weaklings!"

Despite the taunts and insults, Goblin the Butcherer remained silent, his expression unreadable as he ignored the mockery. This only seemed to fuel Roland's arrogance further, and he clicked his tongue in annoyance.

However, the atmosphere shifted abruptly when the guild master, a revered figure among adventurers, arrived at the scene. Guild Master Thorian was a tall, imposing man with a salt-and-pepper beard and a demeanor that commanded respect. He wore a long, deep blue robe adorned with intricate patterns, symbolizing his rank and authority within the guild. His presence alone was enough to silence the room.

Guild Master Thorian was known for his unwavering dedication to the adventurer community and his commitment to maintaining the guild's integrity. He had an aura of wisdom and experience that made even the most seasoned adventurers pause in his presence. Thorian's influence in the guild was profound, and his decisions carried weight not only within Eclatia but throughout the adventurer network.

As he entered the hall, Guild Master Thorian cast a sharp gaze around, taking in the situation. Without saying a word, his mere presence demanded respect, and the mocking tone in the room quickly faded. The adventurers knew that in his guild, disrespect and arrogance were not tolerated. They fell into a hushed silence, waiting for Thorian's next move, and it was clear that his influence and authority within the guild were unwavering.

Guild Master Thorian's voice resonated through the adventurer hall, his words carrying the weight of authority and experience.

**Guild Master Thorian**: "Dear adventurers of Eclatia, I stand before you today not only as your guild master but as a fellow  adventurer. We face a dire situation, a Dungeon Surge that threatens our beloved kingdom. I know that many of you have doubts, concerns, and fears about the challenges that await us in the dungeon. Rest assured, your bravery and dedication do not go unnoticed."

As he spoke, Thorian's eyes scanned the room, meeting the gaze of every adventurer present.

**Guild Master Thorian**: "For your courage in volunteering for this perilous quest, each one of you shall receive one platinum coin upon your return. We value your commitment to our guild and to Eclatia, and this reward reflects that commitment."

He paused for a moment, allowing his words to sink in before continuing.

**Guild Master Thorian**: "I would like to take this moment to acknowledge the remarkable efforts of two individuals among us. First, Goblin the Butcherer, who, as you all witnessed, played a pivotal role in subduing the recent goblin horde. His experience and skills were instrumental in protecting our kingdom. We thank him for his unwavering dedication."

Thorian's gaze then shifted to Elera and Coward.

**Guild Master Thorian**: "And secondly, I must commend the valiant efforts of Elera and Coward. They may be travelers from a distant land, but they willingly joined our ranks and fought against the goblin horde. In particular, Coward showed exceptional courage in facing the horde alone, and for that, he deserves our respect."

He cleared his throat and raised his voice, addressing the lingering doubts.

**Guild Master Thorian**: "I understand that many of you may still have reservations about the Dungeon Surge. It is true; we lack precise information about the enemy's numbers and capabilities. But let it be known that we, as adventurers, thrive in the face of uncertainty. We overcome challenges because we stand united, and because we have the will to confront the unknown. Today, we march into the depths of that dungeon, not as individuals, but as a cohesive force bound by purpose."

Guild Master Thorian's speech was met with a resounding applause from the adventurers, a mixture of renewed determination and respect for their fellow comrades.

In Eclatia, the currency system revolved around various coin types, with platinum coins being among the most valuable. Their monetary values were as follows:

- Copper Coins (C): The lowest denomination, used for everyday transactions.

- Silver Coins (S): Worth ten copper coins, used for larger purchases.

- Gold Coins (G): Worth ten silver coins or one hundred copper coins, used for significant transactions.

- Platinum Coins (P): Worth ten gold coins, one thousand silver coins, or ten thousand copper coins. They were considered the highest denomination and were rarely used in everyday transactions, typically reserved for large payments, significant rewards, or special occasions.

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