Chapter 26: The Goblin Horde

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As the carriage rolled along the road, Elera couldn't help but be entranced by the picturesque landscapes that unfolded before her. Lush forests, rolling hills, and charming villages seemed to be lifted straight from a storybook, painting a serene and enchanting scene that contrasted starkly with the troubles she had left behind in Elysium.

The journey had already carried her far from the familiar streets of her homeland, and she was growing increasingly excited about the adventures and discoveries that awaited her in these foreign lands. While the threats that had forced her departure were daunting, Elera chose to see them as an unexpected catalyst for personal growth and exploration.

Sitting beside her, Coward wore his usual unassuming attire, his gaze occasionally sweeping over the passing landscape. He had become her steadfast companion on this journey, a man of few words but unwavering support. Together, they faced the unknown, their destination—the Holy Kingdom of Alure—a place of great significance for Elera.

As the carriage carried them forward, she couldn't help but steal a glance at Coward, silently appreciating the presence of this enigmatic man by her side. However, their peaceful journey was about to take an abrupt turn. The sound of hooves and crude laughter reached their ears, and the carriage driver pulled the horses to a stop. Before them, blocking the road, was not a mere band of goblins but an entire horde—an army of the green-skinned creatures. They were armed with crude weapons and bore malicious grins, clearly intending to halt any travelers who dared to pass.

Elera's heart quickened, and she instinctively tightened her grip on the staff she carried. Coward, always vigilant, prepared himself for whatever might come next. The situation was dire, but they were not the type to back down without a fight. As the goblins closed in, the tension in the air grew palpable, and the clash between travelers and creatures seemed inevitable.

The road ahead was abruptly blocked by an army of goblins, a sight that sent a chill down Elera's spine. These creatures, often considered a nuisance in the world of adventurers, had now become a formidable obstacle in their path.

At the forefront of the goblin horde were the common goblins, small and wiry creatures with mottled green skin and a tendency to scavenge and steal. Their eyes gleamed with malicious intent as they brandished crude weapons, such as rusted daggers and wooden clubs. These were the foot soldiers of the goblin army, numerous but individually weak.

Among them were the Hob Goblins, larger and more imposing than their smaller counterparts. These goblins were a cut above the rest, with a fearsome presence and enhanced physical abilities. They often served as the backbone of goblin armies, their strength and durability making them formidable opponents. These creatures stood at least a head taller than the common goblins, their bodies covered in crude armor and wielding hefty weapons like cleavers and spiked maces.

The true threats, however, were the two Goblin Generals leading the horde. These goblins were elite among the goblin ranks, displaying intelligence that set them apart. They wore ornate armor adorned with scavenged trinkets and bore weapons of greater craftsmanship. Their strategic minds made them dangerous adversaries, capable of orchestrating coordinated attacks that exploited their numbers and strengths.

At the rear of the goblin formation stood the Shaman, the leader of this unruly mob. This particular goblin had tapped into the arcane arts, using crude spells and incantations to bolster the strength of its allies and unleash devastating magical attacks on its foes. The presence of the Shaman marked a significant escalation in the threat level posed by this goblin horde.

As the goblin horde closed in, Coward's demeanor shifted from uncertainty to resolute determination. He exchanged a glance with Elera, a silent communication passing between them. The condition they had agreed upon came rushing back to her mind: "If I order you to flee, flee without looking back."

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