Chapter 29: The Eclatia Adventurers Guild

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The halls of the Adventurer Guild in Eclatia were bustling with activity, yet there was an unmistakable tension in the air. Adventurers from far and wide had gathered, their expressions reflecting the gravity of the situation—the impending Dungeon Surge. The guild, usually a place of camaraderie and lighthearted banter, had taken on a somber tone as adventurers prepared for the dangerous mission ahead.

The guild hall itself was a grand and imposing structure, adorned with intricate carvings and banners showcasing the symbols of renowned adventurer ranks. The walls were lined with notice boards displaying various quests, each labeled with the name of the adventurer who had completed it. These boards were the heart of the guild, where adventurers selected their missions, formed parties, and celebrated their successes.

The central area of the hall was a spacious gathering place, with long wooden tables and benches where adventurers congregated. Here, they swapped stories of their exploits, discussed strategies, and made arrangements for their upcoming quests. At the back of the hall, a grand reception desk was staffed by guild administrators who oversaw the organization of tasks and the distribution of rewards.

As Elera and Coward entered the grand adventurer hall of Eclatia, they were met with a mixture of reactions. Elera, despite her dirtied white robe and the remnants of a previous battle's chaos on her attire, possessed a beauty that was undeniable. Her ethereal grace and the aura of her presence captivated those who laid eyes on her. Whispers of admiration and awe rippled through the crowd of adventurers as she made her entrance, turning the heads of both men and women alike.

The device at the entrance, initially intended as a welcoming gesture by the prince for adventurers from other kingdoms, was designed to read and announce titles. It had become a source of amusement and mockery among the locals who held their ranks in higher regard than titles.

As Elera's title was announced, a voice boomed through the hall, echoing her moniker and momentarily stealing the attention of those present. The adventurers couldn't help but be entranced by her beauty, momentarily casting aside their penchant for rank-based jests. Her presence was ethereal, and in that moment, the device served as a testament to her unique identity.

However, the atmosphere shifted abruptly as the device went on to announce Coward's title, "Coward the Horrible." Laughter, jeers, and snide comments erupted from the adventurers. They had been captivated by Elera's beauty, but now their amusement was directed at the outsider who bore a title that seemed to defy the very essence of an adventurer's honor.

The tension in the hall was palpable as Coward and Elera found themselves at the center of attention, one a beacon of grace and beauty, and the other, an object of ridicule and jest. Despite the mockery, Coward remained stoic, his silver hair framing his expressionless face, as if unaffected by the ridicule that surrounded him.

Despite the grim circumstances, there was still room for humor among some of the adventurers. Laughter and jests filled the air, especially directed toward the travelers from Elysium. The fact that Coward the Horrible, an Mercenary with such an unconventional title, had tried to assist in subduing a mere goblin horde and ended up injured had become a source of amusement for many. Some adventurers couldn't help but chuckle at the idea of a "tourist" from a kingdom that valued titles  getting involved in such affairs.

Amidst the laughter and jesting, a different sentiment began to permeate through the adventurer hall. It was a mixture of curiosity and respect, particularly among the seasoned adventurers who recognized the underlying truth of their profession. Coward and his companions had voluntarily joined the mission to confront the Dungeon Surge, an endeavor that was far from trivial. This decision spoke volumes about their determination and their skills, regardless of their origins or titles.

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