Chapter 1: Trials of Valor

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His journey through the world of titles and magic had brought him to the threshold of the Mercenary Guild, a place where his martial prowess would define his path. The guild's grand hall echoed with the clinking of armor and the whispers of anticipation. He stood amidst the eager hopefuls, his heart beating a rhythm of both excitement and uncertainty.

The Mercenary Guild stands as a formidable structure in the heart of the bustling city. Its imposing façade, constructed from sturdy stone and adorned with intricate carvings, gives it an air of authority. At the entrance, twin banners bearing the guild's emblem flap gently in the breeze. The emblem itself, a crossed sword and shield, symbolizes both offense and defense, reflecting the guild's commitment to a balanced approach to mercenary work.

The guild's exterior is well-maintained, with tall, arched windows that allow natural light to filter into the main hall. Potted plants line the walkway, adding a touch of greenery to the otherwise imposing structure. The steps leading to the entrance are wide and polished, giving applicants a sense of grandeur as they ascend to the guild's threshold.

Upon crossing the guild's threshold, one enters a vast and bustling hall. The interior of the Mercenary Guild is designed to accommodate its numerous members and applicants efficiently. Here's what you might find inside:

Main Hall: The heart of the guild, the main hall is a vast, open space with a high ceiling supported by robust wooden beams. A large bulletin board displays available missions and assignments. This is where members gather, exchange stories, and form parties for upcoming quests.

Reception Desk: Immediately to the right of the entrance is the reception desk, where friendly clerks assist newcomers, process mission requests, and provide general information. Applicants hoping to join the guild can submit their applications here.

Training Ground: Beyond the main hall is an expansive training ground. This area is equipped with various combat dummies, practice weapons, and sparring areas. It's where new recruits can hone their skills and experienced mercenaries can maintain their edge.

Guild Masters' Office: Located on the second floor, overlooking the main hall, is the Guild Masters' office. It's an ornate space adorned with maps, trophies, and mementos from past missions. This is where the highest-ranking members of the guild make important decisions and meet with clients.

Acceptance of New Applicants and Battle Instructors:

New applicants gather in a designated area within the main hall, often at the center where a raised platform serves as a stage. This is where the acceptance process begins. The Battle Instructors, seasoned mercenaries who have earned their titles through countless missions, oversee this process.

The Acceptance Ritual:

Introduction: The Battle Instructors introduce themselves, emphasizing their own titles and achievements. They share anecdotes from their time in the field to inspire and intimidate the newcomers, setting the tone for the trials ahead.

The Test: Each applicant is called forward individually to demonstrate their combat skills. They may be tasked with sparring against a Battle Instructor or showing their proficiency with a weapon. The goal is to assess their combat potential and determine their initial class.

The Lecture: Following the combat test, the Battle Instructors deliver a lecture on the importance of titles, levels, and guild etiquette. They emphasize the responsibilities and expectations that come with being a guild member.

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