pregnant again

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In the basement

John was tied up with chains with two bars and hanging his head low....... Lisa went towards him with a baseball bat in her hand.... And started beating him mercilessly......

Lisa- you know.... What.... I wasn't like this..... You made me.... This..... Merciless.....

Then lisa started punching him breaking his jaw.... Making his eyes purple..... And blood rushing everywhere on his body...

Lisa- i will not kill you..... I will break you.....

John- please..... Li-isa..... Spare.. M-me....

Lisa- what spare you? I never said anything when it was about me.... But you tried to hurt my family.....

John- I... I am..... S-sorry.... Ple-ease.... It.. It won't repeat...

Lisa- ofcourse i know it won't repeat..... Because I will not let you

Lisa then stuck baseball bat in his arm and broke it.... She did the same with other one..... John was crying loudly....

Lisa- i have sent you jail..... But you still didn't stop your bad  things.... This time..... You won't be able to escape....

Then lisa started walking.... And stopped in the middle... Then said

Lisa- you know what I can show you the same you did with me.... I can make you starve.... Can beat you whenever I want.... But i got a wife that changed me so be happy that i will give you food..... But you will rot here your whole life.....

Then she started walking again and went upstairs..... To her room and took a shower.... Then slept while hugging jennie.... After few minutes jennie suddenly woke up and ran towards bathroom.... Lisa also ran behind her and saw jennie was puking.... So she rubbed her back... And gave her water..

Lisa- what happened love... Are you alright.... Should we go to the doctor....

Jennie - I'm fine baby just little dizzy.... It will be alright no need to see a doctor....

Lisa- but love you seem to be weak.... Let's go....

Jennie- it will be okay tomorrow.... If not then we will go to the doctor.... Let's sleep now okay?

Lisa- okay then.....but wake me up if you will not feel good...

Jennie - ok love i will

Next morning

Jennie again woke up and rushed to the bathroom..... Lisa was more worried this time she immediately took Jennie to the doctor....


Lisa- doctor see what happened to my wife.... Please keep her safe.....

Jennie- Lisa calm down there's nothing big to react like that...

Lisa- you... You just don't know.... So keep quiet... I will die without you love.... So just let doctor check you...

Jennie was speechless and blushed....

Doctor- it's fine miss manoban we will take care of her.... You can wait outside...

Lisa- no... I will not...i am here with my wife if she need me....

Jennie- just wait outside love ... I will be alright....

Lisa- but lov-

Doctor - hahaha it's okay you can stay here...

Then doctor fid some checkup on Jennie.....

Doctor- congratulations... You are pregnant Mrs manoban


Lisa fainted after listening this.... Jennie was crying out of happiness.... And they both tried to wake up Lisa...

Lisa- is this true.... I will be dada again....?

Jennie- yes love you will be dada again...

Then Lisa started jumping.... And made doctor jump with her too Jennie was laughing... Then went back to the mansion

Lisa- ella princess... Where are you?

Then ella ran towards him....

Lisa - princess we booked a sibling for you...

Ella- woa really dada.... Now I will be  a big sister.... So i will take responsibility from now on

Lisa and Jennie started laughing...

Jennie - ooh so we will see a big responsible sister...


Ella- ofcourse mama... I will be a good sister....

Lisa- let's eat out today..... Where my princess wants...

Ella- dada.... Kfc please

Lisa- sure baby...

Then they get ready and went to kfc and had their lunch together....


Hello everyone... How are you doing...

Tomorrow are my mid term results wish me luck.....

I didn't have time to study ....just worked..... So let's what will happen

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