"Hi." She yelled up to me from the track. The bleacher platform was just slightly too high for her to climb up.

I stood up and leaned down, "Are you gonna stay down there the whole time or come up?"

She smiled and pointed behind her. Two of her teammates walked up and lifted her up so she could reach the tiny gate on the fence.

Then she just stood next to me, "We can go now."

"That wasn't all that necessary." I smiled at her knowing that was actually really cool.

She shrugged, "I like to make an entrance." She smiled back.

"Hey Scar." Dylan Reed came up to us. He plays defense on the boys jv soccer team. Scarlett called him cute twice and he's still hung up on her. I'm not judging. "Going to Philip's party tonight?"

"No." She looked away from him and got in her backpack which she left next to me this time. She pulled out her sweats and pulled them on over her skirt, "Is that all you needed? Why are you still here?" She looked at him, standing closer to me.

Sydney raised her eyebrows at the interaction so far.

I was just watching, wishing I had popcorn.

He smiled as if he hadn't just failed to ask her out. This happens at every game. "Do you want to go?"

She looked at me then back at him, "No actually. I have to get home, we have to eat dinner." She shrugged and grabbed both her bag and mine, "Bye David."

"It's Dyla-"

"Don't care." She walked down the steps without bags.

I shrugged and followed her down the steps.

"I hate men." She walked right up to her car and set both of our bags in the back, "We have to hurry and get to my house so I can change."

I just climbed into her passenger seat without saying anything.

She looked at me when we stopped at a red light, "What's going on? You're too quiet."

I looked at her, "I don't want to ruin this."

She furrowed her eyebrows together, "What are you talking about?"

I shook my head, "It's just-" I turned to her, "You are a good friend Scarlett. But I don't understand why you're friends with me?"

She turned forward and started moving the car again, "Why wouldn't I be?" She finally said.

"But why are you?"

She shrugged, "You're just cool. I've wanted to be one of your close friends since, like, freshman year. But you and your tiny group seemed so out of reach. So I joined the cheer squad. I was good at it so I stuck to that. It got me popular and then we were on totally opposite sides of the scale and I let the 'rules of highschool' control me. But, I don't know." She turned onto her long driveway, "I changed this summer. I really, really changed." She looked at me for a moment, "I just knew that this was the year we'd get close."

My heart was melting. The moonlight on her face, her complete truth, and the fact she wanted to be my friend first. I can't do this.

I looked away, "My group was definitely in reach for you. It would have been cool going through high school together."

She pressed the button for the garage and waited for it to open, "Yeah but who knows what we'd be like now." She shrugged again and drove into her spot in the garage, "What if we were completely different?" She grabbed her backpack from behind us and opened her door, "I like you how you are now."

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