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Millicent planted a kiss on Henry's lips just before he headed off to play his final game. "Good luck, Henry," she whispered with a supportive smile.

Henry beamed, nodding enthusiastically. His eyes sparkled with excitement as he held her hands in his, gently tracing his thumbs along her skin. "I have something exciting to talk to you about after the game," he said, leaning in to whisper. "Well, two exciting things. But we'll talk later. Go sit down."

She nodded, her heart filled with anticipation. Millicent pressed one more kiss to his cheek before reluctantly turning away to find her seat. As she moved through the crowd, she accidentally collided with someone, causing her to take a step back in surprise. It was Ben, wearing a grimace on his face.

"What are you doing here?" Millicent asked, her tone less than welcoming.

"I came to watch the game," Ben replied, his bloodshot eyes locking onto her.

Before the situation could escalate, a security guard stepped in and grabbed Ben's arm. Darren intervened, standing firm between Ben and his daughter. "You're not allowed on campus. Leave now, or I'll call the police."

Millicent sighed in relief as Ben was escorted away. She mumbled, "Thanks, Dad," as he guided her towards the stands where Abby was already sitting with her boyfriend, Bobby.

"Dad, you remember Abby; this is her boyfriend, Bobby," Millicent introduced.

Bobby extended his hand, offering a friendly smile. "It's nice to meet you, sir."

"Darren is fine," her father replied with a warm smile before taking a seat beside Millicent as she settled next to Abby.

Millicent gazed out at the field as the game began, her heart filled with a mixture of excitement and nerves. Her attention was soon drawn to her left as a few more people arrived and took their seats behind her. Her eyes widened in pleasant surprise as she spotted Henry's parents and two of his brothers.

"You came!" Millicent exclaimed with a delighted grin.

Marianne nodded, returning the smile as Colin placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Yeah. Thanks for reminding us. Henry told us about it a while ago, but I have to admit, I forgot when it was."

Millicent waved off any concerns. "All that matters is that you're here now." She turned back to the field, her heart swelling with happiness. She caught Henry's gaze, and he acknowledged his family's presence with a hand over his heart, pointing towards Millicent before refocusing on the game.


Raindrops fell from the sky as the clock ticked down towards the end of the game. The tension in the air was palpable as the ball was thrown to Henry, who stood just meters from the try zone. Millicent and the other spectators leaped to their feet, their voices a chorus of excitement and anticipation. With a swift, determined movement, Henry made the winning goal, bringing the game to a thrilling conclusion. Millicent couldn't contain her joy, jumping up and down and clapping her hands together in celebration.

As the final whistle blew, Millicent turned to look at her father, who was standing nearby. He smiled warmly and pulled her into a tight hug, his pride evident. "Go on down there," he encouraged.

With a surge of excitement, she hesitated only briefly before making her way onto the rain-soaked field. Henry, the hero of the match, stood waiting for her. Without a moment's hesitation, he scooped her up into his arms. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, her heart pounding with exhilaration. In a joyful whirlwind, he spun her around, their lips meeting in a passionate kiss as the rain poured down around them. For that moment, the world faded away, and they were the only two souls on that rain-soaked field.

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