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It had been two days and Henry just received another sobbing call from Millicent. He couldn't understand what she was trying to say except that she needed him. He tried to stay with her, Darren even offered him a spare room, but she insisted on wanting to be alone. But now she begged for him and once more, he rushed to her house.

Henry knocked on her front door, his heart pounding as he waited for an answer. The door opened, revealing Darren, and the atmosphere inside was laden with tension as he entered. "What's going on?" His eyes scanned the room until they settled on Millicent, curled on the couch beside Abby. Her eyes were reddened, unfocused as they stared into emptiness. Clinging to her knees, drawn up to her chest, she seemed to be building a shield against the world. "Shortcake?" Taking a place beside her, he extended his arm around her shoulders, and she instinctively nuzzled closer to him.

"Apparently..." Darren's sigh punctuated his words as he settled into a chair beside the couch, "The boys used condoms, so they couldn't find any DNA traces. Their friends also vouched that they all drove together to the ski lodge. So they're claiming that Ben and Kyle were with them at the time everything happened."

"So, what does that mean?" Henry's gaze shifted from Darren to Millicent, her head nestled against his chest. "We can't do anything?"

"I'm afraid not."

"Come on! There must be something we can do!" Frustration colored Henry's tone, and Millicent flinched against him. "Sorry." He draped a blanket over her, stroking her arm gently. "We won't let them get away with this," he assured her in a soft tone, sharing a meaningful look with Darren that conveyed his determination.

"Will you stay?" Millicent's quiet voice pierced the tense room. 

Glancing briefly at Darren and Abby, Henry shifted his focus back to Millicent. "I'm already late for Christmas dinner with my family."

"It's Christmas?" Millicent looked around the room, a hint of confusion on her face, which garnered nods from everyone present. "Oh, I didn't even realize. I'm sorry for calling you."

"Don't be." Henry shook his head, his voice firm as he brought his hand up to gently stroke her cheek. "I'll come whenever you ask." He noticed a subtle exchange of glances between Abby and Millicent before the latter nodded.

"I have something for you. I got it for you before we stopped talking..." She cast a quick glance at her father, who nodded in understanding. He walked over to the Christmas tree in the corner, retrieved a box, and placed it on her lap as she sat up straight, letting her feet touch the floor. "Can we have a minute?"

Abby hesitated but eventually left the room with Darren, giving them their privacy. "You didn't have to buy me anything, Shortcake," Henry said gently, accepting the box from her. "I do have something for you. I'll bring it back later?"

She nodded, giving a slight nudge to the box, encouraging him to open it. Her gaze was fixed on him as he pulled out a white jersey, a wide smile spreading across her face. "Official English Rugby jersey with your name on it. I have no doubts you'll get your official one soon enough."

Henry turned the jersey around to see his name emblazoned on the back. "Milly... I love it." He stroked her cheek gently with his thumb. "Do you want me to come back later after dinner?"

She nodded again, leaning into his hand, finding comfort in his presence. "Please."

"Thank you, again for the jersey." He leaned toward her to press a kiss to her forehead before getting up from the couch. "I'll be back."

She watched him leave with his promise lingering in the air as Abby came to sit back beside her once more. "Are you sure we can trust him?"

"What do you mean?"

Abby shrugged, taking a deep breath. "I know I've been defending him, but what if all of this is just another game between the guys? What if Henry is just playing you? Getting you to trust him like Ben did."

Millicent stared at her friend in disbelief, suddenly apprehensive about Henry too. Darren cleared his throat, sitting on the edge of the coffee table. "Abby. I don't really think that's fair. I think Henry has been nothing but genuine."

"Yeah, well you don't know what he did before." Abby countered, irritated as Millicent groaned, withdrawing back into herself again.

"What do you mean? What did he do?" Millicent buried her face as she listened to Abby rehash what Henry did when she first arrived in the UK. "He did what?!" Darren leaped to his feet angrily, shaking his head. "That's why you guys never got along before? Why you refused to help him at the start of last term?"

Millicent only nodded as tears stung her eyes once more. "But he's changed... hasn't he?" She glanced between her father and friend, and neither of them seemed convinced as doubt seeped in.


Henry's smile faltered when Darren opened the door for him later that night. He attempted to step into the house, but Millicent's father blocked his way. "Milly asked me to come over."

"Well, she changed her mind. She told me what you did before."

Henry groaned, hanging his head in silent defeat. When he lifted his eyes back to meet Darren's, they were glazed with unshed tears. "Please. It was a mistake. I was stupid, and I've apologized so many times..."

"We don't feel like we can trust you."

Henry let out a deep sigh, his expression pained as he handed over a box. "Can you just give this to Milly then? Please?"

Darren accepted the box with a nod. "Alright." He closed the door without another word, leaving Henry standing on the porch, a heavy feeling of regret settling in his chest.

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