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Millicent gazed out of the car window, her curiosity piqued as Ben brought the vehicle to a stop. He squeezed her thigh affectionately before stepping out of the car without a word, making his way around to her side to offer a helping hand. She accepted his gesture with a small smile, appreciating his chivalry as he winked at her before closing the car door.

Carrying a bag and a picnic basket, Ben led Millicent towards a spacious grassy area. She admired the breathtaking view of the city skyline, unable to contain her excitement. "What a great view!" she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling.

"I agree," Ben replied, pulling out a bottle of wine from the basket as he settled down on the blanket he had spread out.

Millicent joined him, "smooth," she teases at his smoothness, and he playfully shrugged in response. As they sat together, he offered her a container of pasta and a glass of wine, which she gladly accepted.

"So, tell me about you being the Dean's daughter..."

With a small shrug, she proceeded to share her story. "Well, apparently my mother did a semester in England during college and met my father. She only discovered she was pregnant after returning home. It was a topic she avoided discussing. So, when I turned 16, I decided to do one of those ancestry tests and ended up matching with him as a potential parent. He allowed me to come live with him after my mother passed away, despite our limited interactions," Millicent explained, a touch of vulnerability in her voice.

Ben's expression turned sympathetic as he reached over to tuck a stray strand of her red hair behind her ear. "Hey, I didn't know. I'm sorry," he said genuinely.

"Thanks," Millicent responded with a warm smile, briefly leaning into his comforting touch before returning her focus to the food. "This is good. You make it?"

"No," he laughs. "Ordered from my favorite Italian restaurant. I planned on lying to you about me making it but decided not to."

She couldn't help but giggle when Ben admitted that he had considered pretending he made the food himself but opted for honesty instead. "I appreciate your honesty."

As the sun began its descent, casting a golden glow over the cityscape, Millicent and Ben engaged in conversation, their connection deepening with each passing moment. Eventually, Ben's gaze turned tender as he cupped Millicent's cheek in his hand. Seeking her permission, he asked, "can I kiss you?"

Swallowing nervously, Millicent scooted closer to him and nodded, granting her consent. A soft smile graced her lips as he leaned in, initiating a gentle kiss. The kiss grew more passionate, and as the intensity increased, his hand ventured to her waist while she cautiously weaved her fingers into his hair. However, when his hand began to move higher, she pushed him back gently, creating a necessary distance between them.

Initially, Ben hesitated, gripping her thigh as his thumb grazed her panties before Millicent placed both her hands on his chest, pushing him back harder. "Sorry," he whispered, his breath slightly ragged.

Millicent nodded in understanding, nudging him back as she sat up, pulling her skirt down. "It's okay. I just... I'm not ready for anything more than that," Millicent admitted, her voice tinged with vulnerability. "I like you, but I'd like to get to know you better before taking things further."

Ben chuckled, his hand running gently along her arm as he reassured her. "Of course. Don't worry about it. Why don't I take you home? It's getting late."

"Sure," Millicent agreed, standing up to help him tidy up their picnic spot. As they settled back into the car, she fastened her seat belt and turned to face him, his eyes focused on the road ahead. An inkling of concern crept into her mind at the new tense energy, prompting her to ask, "did I do something to upset you?"

Ben groaned, shaking his head, and gently placed his hand on her thigh. "God, no. I'm sorry, Milly. I'm just upset with myself for pushing you. It's not you. I'd still like to see you again... if you're interested?"

A grin spread across Millicent's face, a sense of relief washing over her. "I'd like that," she replied, her voice filled with genuine enthusiasm. She held his hand tightly as he smiled back at her before refocusing on the road.

As they reached the front of her house, Millicent turned toward Ben. "Thanks for tonight, Ben. I had a nice time."

"Me too," he offers, moving to get out of the car before she stops him.

"I'll be fine. You don't have to walk me to the door. Besides, I don't want my father to bother us..."

Ben laughs as her small blush under the lamppost's soft glow. "Of course. I understand," he said, his playful tone evident. "Not ready for that, yet. Can I at least kiss you goodnight?"

Millicent giggled, leaning towards him as he closed the distance between them for a tender kiss. He teased her with a fleeting touch of his tongue, nibbling on her lip before pulling away. "See you on Monday."

"Goodnight, Milly," Ben bid her farewell before she turned and made her way inside the quiet house.


Millicent paused with a sigh at the top of the stairs as her father, Darren, opened the door to his room, leaning against the doorjamb. The soft light of his bedside lamp cast a warm glow on him. "I'm home, Dad."

"Did you have a nice time? Are you going to tell me who you went out with?" Darren inquired, pulling his glasses from his face to clean them on his shirt. He had been working hard over the past few years to strike a balance between being a supportive father and respecting Millicent's independence.

Millicent sighed, observing her father's efforts, which she appreciated. "It was just a first date. If I decide to continue seeing him, I promise I'll let you know. Deal?"

"Deal," he replied with a smile. "Goodnight, love."

"Night, Dad," Millicent chuckled, turning away and heading towards her bedroom. She flicked on the light, causing the room to fill with a warm glow. After closing the door, she tossed her bag onto the chair in the corner and dropped her jacket onto another chair, kicking off her shoes. However, her actions were interrupted by a light knocking on the window.

Approaching cautiously as the knocking persisted, Millicent's heart raced in her chest. She pulled back the curtain, revealing Henry's face outside her window. "Oh my god," she muttered to herself, swiftly opening the window. "What the fuck are you doing here?!"

"Can I come in?" Henry asked, attempting to climb in through the window, but Millicent pushed his hands away, almost causing him to lose his balance. "Hey!"

"No! What do you think you're doing here?" Millicent repeated, lowering her voice and crossing her arms over her chest as she glanced out the window. "How did you get up here? And how did you know which room was mine?"

Rolling his eyes and sighing in annoyance, Henry replied, "I noticed which light turned on and climbed up the trellis. Are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be okay?!" Millicent snapped, frustration evident in her voice. "Because I went out with Ben? I can take care of myself, thank you very much. Don't ever come here like this again. I don't care how jealous you are of me being with someone else!"

"It's not like that! I was worried, that's all! He's a creep!" Henry insisted, his voice filled with concern.

"You're the only one being a creep here!" Millicent shook her head, pushing his shoulder forcefully, causing him to lose his grip and fall to the ground with a thud and a grunt. She winced slightly as she watched him lying there for a moment. "Are you okay?" she asked, relieved when he finally stood up and gave her a thumbs-up. "Then fuck off!" Millicent declared, frustration and exasperation evident in her voice.

Henry groaned, his hand on his ribs as he heard her slam the window shut. He walked away from the house, suddenly realizing that he had likely worsened their friendship. With each step forward that Millicent had allowed him, he had managed to mess things up and take two steps back.

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