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Millicent and Abby arrived at the stadium on Sunday, ready to enjoy the Rugby game. As they walked in, Millicent sensed the weight of eyes upon her. Murmurs and glances seemed to follow her progress. Concerned, she looped her arm through Abby's and leaned in, asking in a hushed tone, "Do you have any idea what's going on?"

Abby shook her head. "No clue, sweetie. But look." She pointed in the direction of Ben, who was approaching them in his rugby uniform. "I'll go grab us seats."

Noticing the furrowed brows on Ben's face, Millicent couldn't help but ask, "Hey Ben, what's going on?"

He managed a smile, leaning in to kiss her cheek. "I just wanted to give you a heads-up. I overheard Henry telling people that you're the Dean's daughter, suggesting that's how you got in here... Stupid American and all that..." He paused, watching her expression turn to a frown, arms now crossed defensively. "I know you guys are friends or something. So, I thought you should know." His smile returned as he drew her into a comforting embrace, planting a kiss on her head.

"Thank you for telling me," Millicent replied, feeling a mix of annoyance and gratitude. Ben held her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"Don't let it bother you, love. After the game, I'll take you out, and we'll forget all about this," he assured her, a playful smirk tugging at his lips. Millicent responded with a small chuckle.

"I'll catch you after the game then," she said with a sigh, heading to her seat beside Abby in the stands.

As Millicent took her seat beside Abby, her annoyance was palpable. Abby picked up on it immediately. "What's bothering you?"

Millicent scoffed, clearly frustrated. "Henry's been spreading the word about me being the Dean's daughter..."

"What?!" Abby's eyes widened in disbelief. "He's known all along. Why would he start talking about it now?"

"Who knows? Maybe revenge? Amusement? I have no idea," Millicent huffed, her attention turning to the teams as they took the field. She locked eyes with Henry, who offered her a smile and a small wave. She didn't bother responding.

Henry noticed Millicent's unresponsive reaction and frowned, feeling Ben's arm slung casually over his shoulders.

"Poor Milly. She's found out about your little secret," Ben teased, a smirk playing on his lips. "She knows you told everyone about her father."

"What?" Henry shook off Ben's arm, his expression turning into a scowl. "What the hell did you do?"

Ben's smirk only widened as he shrugged. "Just making sure my girl knows where her loyalty lies."

"You fucking prick..."

Meanwhile, Millicent recounted the whole situation to Abby, explaining their study sessions and the recent events. "So, since I rejected him the other night, I guess he's more upset than I thought. I never expected him to resort to this..."

Abby chuckled, causing Millicent to blush. "That's a lot to process at once." She studied her friend, who was deliberately avoiding her gaze. "But I still find it hard to believe that Henry would do something like that."

Millicent let out a sigh, her eyes returning to the game as it started. "It couldn't have been anyone else."

"Alright," Abby conceded, dropping the subject as they both focused on the game before them.


"I'm not really sure I want to go out tonight, Ben..." Millicent admitted softly as she slid into his car after the game.

Ben offered a reassuring smile. "No problem at all. How about we grab some takeaway pizza and have a movie night at my place?"

Millicent's expression brightened. "That actually sounds really great." She leaned into his touch on her cheek, closing her eyes as his lips brushed hers before he started the car.

Ben ordered the pizza from his phone and then settled it back into his pocket. "It should arrive around the same time we do."

They drove in comfortable silence, holding hands the entire way until they reached a parking garage. Ben led her up to his apartment, where he casually set his bag down and Millicent removed her jacket, taking in the bachelor-style apartment. A large flatscreen TV and gaming consoles dominated the space, along with a sizable sofa and a pair of lazy-boy recliners.

"It's not too messy, is it?" Ben asked with a chuckle, his eyes fixed on her.

Millicent laughed softly. "No, not at all." She was about to say more when the door swung open, revealing Kyle, Ben's roommate.

Kyle froze in surprise. "Millicent..."

Ben groaned, shooting a pointed look at Kyle. "I was just about to tell you I share the apartment with him... Is that alright?"

"Of course," Millicent replied, though she felt a bit awkward under the two pairs of eyes on her. Kyle broke the tension with a laugh.

"Don't worry, I'm fucking knackered. I'll just stay in my room. Goodnight, you two..."

Once Kyle had retreated to his room, Millicent settled on the couch with Ben, their pizza, and the movie. Despite the initial awkwardness, as they finished the pizza, Ben wrapped his arm around her shoulder, and a cozy feeling began to settle in the small apartment.

Once Kyle withdrew to his room, Millicent settled onto the couch with Ben and the pizza. As they finished their meal, she sensed the palpable tension that seemed to fill the small apartment. Ben's arm found its way around her shoulder, drawing her closer.

Midway through the movie, Millicent felt Ben's hand gently pulling her even nearer. When she glanced up at him, she noticed he wasn't focused on the movie but on her. "What?" she asked, a hint of nervousness in her voice, her own eyes locking with his.

He chuckled softly. "Nothing, love." His finger traced a line along her jaw, and she closed her eyes, sighing as his hand then settled on her collarbone. His lips met hers in a soft kiss, the touch of their mouths a gentle connection. The kiss lingered, both of them savoring the moment, until Ben shifted, lowering her onto the couch.

He hovered over her, his hand resting on her waist as he kissed her again, this time with a bit more urgency. Breaking the kiss, he was met with her gasp, her arms encircling him as he moved to place soft kisses along her neck. His touch caused her muscles to tense, and he gently pushed her shirt up, feeling the warmth of her skin under his fingertips.

Millicent's soft moan encouraged him as he let his lips trail along her neck, savoring her taste. Her sides were graced by the stroke of his hands, his touch inching upward to cup her breasts. Her voice, barely above a whisper, broke the spell. "Wait..." she breathed, and he sighed, pulling back to look at her.

"It's okay, Milly. We don't have to do anything," he reassured, his expression showing his understanding.

She groaned, sensing his annoyance, and sat up beside him, turning to face him. "It's just that... even though I've done other things, I've never had sex." Embarrassment tinged her voice, her face buried in her hands.

"Oh..." Ben suppressed a smile, maintaining his reassuring demeanor while he internally celebrated being right. "It's perfectly fine, love." He gently took her hands away from her face. "We don't have to rush anything. How about we plan a special night for us a few weeks from now?"

"You're not mad? I've been avoiding getting too intimate with you..."

"I get it, Millicent. No need to worry." He stood up, offering his hand to her. As she took it and stood up as well, he continued, "Why don't I just take you home, okay?"

"You're amazing, Ben," she complimented, a hint of a smile on her lips.

"Just for you." He grinned, wrapping his arms around her in a comforting embrace.

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