Chapter Seventeen: Suspension?

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"Words can't describe how disappointed I am with you two right now

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"Words can't describe how disappointed I am with you two right now."

Cheon Seojin was sitting behind her desk sipping tea as she looked at Bae So-young and Joo Seokkyung.

Bae So-young was on the left side of Seojin's desk with no bruises, but just messed up hair. Her hands are shaking from anger and nervousness. And on the right side of Seojin's desk, was Joo Seokkyung. Her hair was messed up as well. She has a black eye, a busted lip, and a bloody nose.

"Fighting? The day before the exam? What has gotten into you two?" Cheon Seojin asked with a disappointed tone.

"So-young started it. She threw the first punch. I had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that she snapped for no reas-"

"Listen you angry brat, I had to defend myself from your words. You pushed my buttons!" So-young interrupted Seokkyung's explanation.

Seojin sighs in frustration. "Both of you need to be quiet. You guys have no reason to fight at all. And So-young..."

So-young looks up at the director.

"You're hereby suspended for 3 days for throwing the first punch."

So-young's eyes widened in disbelief.  "Suspended? But Seokkyung started it by saying mean things to me, and then I snapped. You can't do that."

"Technically I can. So therefore, you're suspended for 3 days. Get your bags and get out." Seojin demanded her as she put her teacup down at her desk.

So-young scoffed in annoyance. "Some director you are." She turns around and goes to the door. She stops for a second and walks back to where Seokkyung is standing. Seokkyung slowly steps back in fear. So-young leans towards her ear.

"This is only just the beginning, sweetheart. I haven't gotten started with you yet." So-young whispers as she moves back to face Seokkyung. She looks at Seokkyung's lips and takes out a handkerchief and hands it to her.

"Clean your lips. It looks prettier in red." So-young concluded with a smirk as she walked out of the office and slammed the door.

Seokkyung's face turned into a tomato red as she looked at the door.

"That brat thinks she won the battle, huh? But this time I will win the war, and she's gonna lose. I need a plan, and FAST!" She mumbled to herself.


So-young was returning to Hera Palace to basically relax, since she got suspended for about two to three days. She looked at her phone while she was waiting to go to the elevator, but didn't notice Minhyeok walking beside her.

"Hey. Are you feeling okay?" He asked with a concerned expression on his face.

So-young turns her head to Minhyeok and slightly smiles at him. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little shaken up from the fight."

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