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I got the orders to get Auryn Tyrell ready, and I'm somehow exited.
I saw Elyse earlier in Auryn's tent. She must have tried to explain everything, I think they are very close somehow. And even though she broke Nerezza's arm, I still feel bad for her. It's not her fault that she was born in the WhiteSide, and as soldier we all follow orders. And it must be shocking for her to wake up in a BlackSider's tent, I mean, it WAS shocking since she tried to escape. She almost killed our soldiers.
I think we would be very good friends.
I walk up to her tent. Nerezza told me she's a dragon protector, so she is very important for Nagendra, and for us.
I stop in front of her tent. Should I just go in or should I ask if I can go in?
'Who's there?!,' she yells.
Mighty dragons she sounds scary.
I go in and look with wide eyes at her. She is all tied up, and looks uncomfortable.
Her long, wavy white-blonde hair is a bit messy, but also looks very pretty. Her hair covers her one eye, but I can see from her other eye that she has silver eyes. It looks like she cried. Her lips are full and has a sharp jawline. She's the complete opposite from Nerezza.
'You sound scary but look like a goddes,' I say nicely.
She first looked intimidating and furious at me, but now she looks confused. Then I can see her slightly grin.
'I'm sergeant Nalani and I'm here to get you ready and escort you.'
She still look confused. 'Nalani Hale?'
'That's right, and you are the famous Auryn Tyrell.'
She still looks intimidating at me, but I can see that the ropes start to hurt her. I come a little closer to untie her, but she quickly backs up.
'I just want to untie you, if you won't runaway of course,' I say with a smile. I start to untie her.
' I would kill my brother if he made me sergeant from a princess.' She said the word "princess" with a sarcastic tone.
I struggle with the ropes and say: ' I'm still a princess. And besides, I thought you wouldn't even want to talk to me, since we captured you. I heard you are stubborn and that you never give up, and I saw you fighting yesterday.'
She scoffs. 'I'm resting right now, I'll strike when I'm strong enough to kill you all at one.'
She massages her wrists after I untied her.
Hearing what she said made me almost pee myself. What if she tries to kill me now?
She stands up quickly like a cat that is going to strike. My hand goes to my sword, but I leave it. Auryn grins. Well at-least she's smiling.
'I hope we'll get allong, so that you don't kill me,' I say with a big smile on my face. She just stares at me, but then smiles.
'I was kidding, don't worry.'
Well that makes me feel better.
'You can travel with us with your dragon, and can eat while flying,' I tell her. Maybe she'll be comfortable if she finds out that she can travel with her dragon. But why would she even be comfortable around me? .She sees me as the enemy, and I completely understand that.
She looks indeed comfortable when I mentioned her dragon, but that look fades away quickly.
'Follow me.'
I was afraid that she wasn't going to come, but I can hear her footsteps behind me. I guide her to our second cave, the largest one. She must have seen her dragon, because she runs past me.
Her dragon lays on its back, but quickly gets up when she sees Auryn. Her dragon has White- beige wings and a pink snout. Her bottom is light pink, but the upper body is fully white. Auryn hugs her by the neck.
'I'm here, Sarnai,' she whispers.
'You're dragon is Beautiful, she doesn't look like a warrior dragon at al.'
Auryn chuckles, it's a nice sound.
' She may be pretty, but can swallow three people at the same time and can burn whole Etrill.' She pats Sarnai's snout. She gestures that I should come closer.
'You can pet her.'
I reach my hand to her neck and slowly pat her. She's soft, unlikely to Koa, my dragon.
I slowly start to realize how different she is from Nerezza. Auryn looks more social and acts friendly even though she's held "prisoned".
Nerezza wouldn't even say a word to the WhiteSiders if she was captured by them. I think that Auryn is ruthless on the battlefield, and fighting in general, that's why people think she's scary . But outside fighting she is nice, I think.
'We need to leave, Auryn.'
She has that intimidating look on her, as if she would do anything to not leave. But then she takes a deep breath and follows me with her dragon.
'What am I going to do when I follow them.'
Good question, you're a dragon protector, so you're probably going to save Nagendra with the other dragon protectors.
But I can't say that, that's not my job.
But what am I going to say?
'King Leander will tell you what to do.' Mighty dragons, why did I say that?
'He is not my king, so I can do whatever I want.'
Of course she was going to say that. I turn around to look at her. She tucked her hair behind her ears, so her big bruise on the side of her face is visible.
'Elyse will explain it, I think...'
Auryn looks sad at me and says: 'I'll ask her.'
Everyone is packing up to leave, and I see Nerezza too.
Nerezza. Mighty Dragons.
I quickly turn around and look at Auryn. She stares at Nerezza with so much hatred, it scared me for a second.
'Aur-...' too late, she pushes me to the ground and sprints like a wild animal towards her. I run after Auryn, knowing that I can't catch her up.
Nerezza sees Auryn and quickly goes behind Nighshade. Nightshade growls at Auryn, so she backs up.
'Coward!,' she yells.
'Dumbass!' Nerezza yells back.
Aurys starts to breath heavy because of the anger. I grab her arm and pinch her, to calm her down. I drag her back where we were before.
'That thief is a coward! She can't even face me!' Auryn yells furious. 'I want my Necklace back!'
I go into protective mode.
' Believe me, she is just as strong as you are, sometimes even scarier. She is also ruthless when she fights, but acts smart when it needs to. She can't face you with a broken arm and she knows that. Sorry if this will hurt you, but you don't think when you do something, she does.'
Auryn looks baffled at me. I think she has heard those words before.
'Is stealing my necklace being smart? Is that intelligence to you? Yes, perhaps I don't think everything through , but perhaps it isn't necessary most of the time!' She yells at me. I can hear her frustration through her voice. I can feel that she's been through a lot these days.
'Nerezza was just following orders, just like you do. You'll get your necklace back, I promise.'
'So her name is Nerezza...'
I nod. It looks like everyone is ready to fly off.
'We'll talk about it when we arrive at the castle, we should go now.'
Auryn hops on her dragon. Sarnai doesn't have a saddle, which is very unique.
'Follow the rest, I'll catch you up later, if you would like that.'
She nods slowly. ' I would like that.'
I give her a smile and go back to the cave. I can see people staring at Auryn with fear in their eyes.
I turn back and look at Auryn.
'Have you seen a boy named Matteo Eagen?'
I feel like I've heard his name before, but I don't know who he is. I say no, and so she leaves.


THE BATTLE OF DRAGONS: Auryn and the fate of NagendraWhere stories live. Discover now