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Sleeping is hard when you have a spy/ assassin in your closet. I keep thinking about the black fox i saw on his knives. And I keep thinking about his hand reaching for my hair. No one has ever dared to do that to me. I have the urge to talk to him and ask questions, but i won't. I won't show weakness. He is handsome, I'll admit that. I try to forget his cunning eyes and smirking lips when he tries to make me go nuts. Mighty dragons, I need to sleep immediately, or else i will be too tired for my daily training. And I also have to discuss the plans with Matteo. Tomorrow will be my last day. Just when I'm closing my eyes i hear snoring from the closet. There is no way I'm sleeping with a snoring guy in my room.
' Quite,'I demand.
'Of course dear, anything for you,' he says playfully. Did he take of the rope? How? Is he playing with me? I am just going to ignore it.
' You must be a horrible assassin if you snore like that in the middle of the night.'
'Bold of you to assume that I snore.' He says amused. Mighty dragons I can feel him smirking through the closet. I turn on my right side and look at the closet, as if im talking directly to him.
' Shouldn't you be sleeping? Being held prisoned must be tiring.'
'Bold of you to assume that I would sleep in an enemy's closet. It looks like you got the muscles, not the brains, Auryn.' He pronounced my name like he was tasting it. The fact that he knows my name is annoying, but I won't ask his. I'll call him Scar, since he has that big scar on his cheek. I really need to sleep, and if Scar won't shut up, I'll let him.
'You also don't have to brains, since you've been captured the minute you arrived.'
' Things didn't go as planned and I don't know how you heard me. No one ever hears me. I discovered a secret passage to your room, but I first had to check if you were alone. And then, the door opened and you pushed me into the wall-'
'You sound very upset, i'm sorry I ruined it for you.' I hope he can somehow see me rolling my eyes. He chuckles
' I am indeed upset, I'll admit that. How did you hear me?' I don't want to tell him that I didn't hear him, but felt him.
' You just can't mess with Auryn Tyrell, you should know that. That was a big mistake, big brains. And if I hear you talk one more time-'
'...You'll cut my throat blah ,blah. I won't disturb your beauty sleep again.'
I was going to say that I would tear his face apart, but it wasn't a bad guess.
Now I will sleep, even if I have 4 hours left.


I open my eyes and realize something.
I'm late.
I rush to my closet, and when I open it, I see Scar in my closet. Mighty dragons I forgot about him!!!
' good morning sunshine, Ho-' I close the closet before he can finish his sentence, but then I realize I have no time for this. I open my closet again and take my armor, ignoring Scar's cunning look.
' You know it's very ru-' I close the closet again and take my nightgown off as fast as I can. I look at the closet's direction, wondering if he can see me. But that not important.
'My friend will come for food, if he has time,' I say while brushing my hair.
'I would appreciate it if YOU would bring my food.'
'The food would probably be poisoned if it came from me.' I look in the mirror, My silver, white armor shines in the sunlight. But I look like I haven't slept in three days. Typical me.
I leave my room, on my way to the training room.

THE BATTLE OF DRAGONS: Auryn and the fate of NagendraWhere stories live. Discover now