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I wake up in a tent, my mouth, arms... my whole body is tied. My head hurts like hell, I can't even see right. I look slowly around, and remember my fight with that thief. They captured me! No one can capture me! And yet they did. I can't believe it...
I don't have time to think about it. I quickly examine the knots over my whole body. There is no way I can free myself by untying the ropes, my whole body is tied up. Bastards.
I try to not make any noise and start wiggles around. Perhaps I can loosen the ropes. I wiggle like an idiot for 8 minutes, and then give up. I can feel my anger coming up. They captured me and tied my whole body! Where is Sarnai? What did they do to her?
My tongue is dry because of the harsh rope, and I can't swallow. Okay, they captured me. But I will escape. I try to pull my arms up, but the ropes are too tight, I feel like I can't breath. Perhaps I have some hidden knives on me. I try to reach for my boots, but again the ropes are too tight. That's it!
I throw myself on my back and start rolling. I scream and try to stand up, but my body is covered in ropes. I start groaning like a dragon, scream, shout, letting all my anger out. I keep rolling and and try to kick. Nothing works. A knight peeps inside and quickly closes the tent again. Mighty dragons, he will tell them that I'm awake! I roll towards the tent opening and try to jump on my feet. I fail and try again, and again, and even fall on my head. I won't have a head anymore if I keep doing this. Then I landed on my feet, and jump outside.
There are BlackSiders everywhere. All eyes are on me, since I look like a prisoner. I hear them whispering: 'that's Auryn Tyrell! That is the monster that kills our knights!'
They start to back up. Yes, back up like you should.
I hear knights running towards me, but they don't take out their swords or any weapon. They think they can handle me without them. They are damn wrong.
The first knight walks up to me, he isn't even going to fight me. What is this for dragonshit? Just when he tries to grab me, I quickly bite his hand like I bite hard steak. He screams it out. I don't let go of him until I can taste his blood. Suddenly I feel arms around my hips. I do a backflip while his hands are still around my hips, so he trips and falls hard on the back off his head. I let myself fall on my knees and try to grab a weapon of the knight I knocked down. I bend down so my tied up hands can reach his dagger. Just when I was about to get one a knight picked me up and smashed me to the ground. My head already hurt, but now it feels like it's going to explode. Suddenly I feel the ropes loosen, and the rope in my mouth fell of. The knight is running towards me, so I let myself fall and let him trip. I try to get the ropes off, and finally, my upper body is free. I don't have time to get the ropes off me feet, so I stand up and try to block an attack from the knight I bit into. I block his punch and throw myself on him, and punch him in the face, and again, and again. I grab his dagger and cut off the last ropes. Just when I jump on my feet I see a crowd of Blacksider knights around me. But none of them take out their sword. Why  aren't they using their weapons?!
I run to the first knight I see. I roll the dagger in my hands and jump on her. I do this on a daily basis, I will kill them all.
She dodges me and backs up. They look like they aren't allow to fight.  Am I that important? What's going on?
That voice. That voice full of authority. Elyse. Elyse?! Is she here to rescue me?
The knights make the path free for her. She is is wearing a black armor. A BlackSider armor. She looks devastated, sad and worried. Why is she wearing that armor? What is she doing here?
I feel the tears in my eyes, but blink them away. Mighty dragons, how? She was like a mother to me, she took care of me when my parents died. It was a lie, SHE was a lie. I have so many questions. Did she betray the WhiteSide or was she a spy? But how?! She was the queen's personal guard! My head feels worse now, it's going to explode
I already look like a wild animal: panting like crazy, blood on my knuckles, hair messy, a dagger in my hand. But now I look worse than an animal, I must look like a monster, because I feel like one right now.
I scream of the top of my lungs and sprint towards her like a cheeta. I can't kill her, but I can hurt her, she deserves it. She deserves everything!
Just when I raise my dagger, she kicks  it out of my hand, and tackles me. The soldiers run towards me with ropes, and Elyse grabs me so I can't move. I could hurt her badly if I wanted, but something inside me won't allow it. I don't care if she raised me, or if she's Matteo's mother! I'm Auryn Tyrell and I can hurt EVERY BlackSider in Etrill, even Elyse.
And yet I don't do it.
They try to bind me with ropes, but I roll on on the ground and yell. Suddenly I feel pain on the right side of my head, and everything goes black...

THE BATTLE OF DRAGONS: Auryn and the fate of NagendraOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant