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Fire, screaming people running everywhere. wounded soldiers begging for help. "Rexanne!"

I don't know who is screaming for me, all I hear is the dragon circling above me. It's not just an ordinary dargon.

It's Nagendra.

What have we done to deserve such a punishment? We don't force the dragons to be loyal to us. Why is she attacking?

She saw me and took a nosedive. "Rexanne! Run!"

I don't pay attention to the voice that calls me. I aim my sword which is forged by dragon's breath and close my eyes. then, i feel the heat. She must have seen my sword, that's why she is breathing fire. I try to block the fire, but even my sword can't stop her powerful fire breath. Just when I can no longer hold my sword, she suddenly stops and flies away.

Some people say she showed me mercy, but i think something called her.

Because from what i saw, she never shows mercy.

THE BATTLE OF DRAGONS: Auryn and the fate of NagendraWhere stories live. Discover now