Chapter 21

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The air had a sudden mist in it or maybe it was just her hazy Vision perhaps

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The air had a sudden mist in it or maybe it was just her hazy Vision perhaps.

7 days have passed.

7 days she have been tortured.

7 days she was starved.

7 days and now on the 8th her body seemed to give up.

The cruel sinister voice of his now filled her with disgust with anger that she never knew harbored inside her.

The man always blindfolded her when he did this to her.

She wished to have her voice back. To scream. To plead. To call for her God or her saviour to save her.

Her wrists were crusting with dry blood as the handcuffs enveloped her delicate hands. Her knees scrapped the rough surface of the basement. Her dress was in fragments and so was her dignity.

She looked at her empty ring finger and touched her bare neck. Her two most valuable most valuable things were taken away from her.

Her tears were dry. She didn't wanted to give the beast anymore satisfaction.
Her hopes were dying and so was she.

Last night he marked her entire body in belt marks . Her soft skin was now left patchy with bloody and blue hues.

Maybe it was his powerful blows on her left hand that made her wrist break letting her hand get free from the handcuff . God how wrong she was. She pulled off the handcuff and the blindfold only to see his sinister smile from his half covered face.

" Tch , tch , tch you little whore . You thought I'll let you go on loose easily ? Never. Let's do something to your pretty little legs shall we ?"

His laughter only brought her pain and her muted howls to protect her from her pain.

A few hours later.....

Her crusted eyelids opened with only one plea : to meet  her husband.

She looked at the ceiling  recollecting every moment that she spent with her husband. Her darling husband. How she craved this instance for his warmth. How he promised to save her. But she didn't blame him rather she blamed her fate . Maybe it was her deep faith in God that made her believe that maybe she was getting punished for her own doings.

A small sound of chains made her wake up only to cry once again . Her tormentor was here again.

Please god make him go away . She prayed internally.

A loud blast made him mutter a few curses before he opened the door in a hurry and left.

With all her remaining strength she stood on her weak legs just to tackle the chains that surrounded them . She looked hurriedly trying to find a heavy object in order to break the chains.

Her eyes zeroed to the only chair that was in her reachable distance.  She prayed and with every ounce of her energy left she made her way to the chains with a limp. 

As if God had given her immense strength , that even after a near dislocated hand she managed to free herself  . She took limping strides opening the jarred gate and then finding the nearest window that she could open she jumped to the ground.

It was the moment her face met with the soil. She breathed again.

Even the agonizing pain in her limbs couldn't stop her adrenaline rush . She ran with all her might to the woods .

After what seemed like hours of running , the adrenaline seemed to now slowly wearing off making her dizzy because of the lack of nutrition in her body.

A source of light on a distance gave her hope. She ran towards it  , only for her to realise that the light was rapidly coming towards her. It was a car .

The car rushed towards her with a tremendous speend but the moment she thought that the car will run over her was the moment it stopped. And so did her mind. Her eyelids closed fast as she succumbed to her freight.


The car was none other than Jake's  who was hunting down for clues to find his wife. His search ended the moment he found her frightened and her big doe eyes were filled nothing but terror.

But his luck was not  at his side as the women he loved lost consciousness right in his arms.

The poor light didn't let him assess her condition fully. At that moment he knew nothing but to rush her to the hospital.

Multiple scratches and bruises imprinted a watercolour of blue, purple and red.

He bit his lip to stop himself from crying .

Fiery rage clouded his senses. As he commanded his driver. Only to find out something that he never expected.

 Thanks for reading

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Thanks for reading.  I hope you guys enjoy it . I'm really sorry for the late update but a lot of things have happened in my life which couldn't really give me time to write anything.  It's been really hard coping up with all that.

Thank you for reading this short chapter. I hope you guys are doing well. I'll meet you guys super soon.

Bye 😘.

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